Develop a comprehensive plan for an event

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Reference no: EM133775834 , Length: word count:3000

Assignment Project

Learning Outcome 1: Develop a comprehensive plan for an event, integrating relevant business theories, knowledge and tools, and the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Learning Outcome 2: 2. Apply critical thinking and technical skills to solve authentic business problems
Conceptualise problems or situations (analyse, analyse, synthesise and evaluate)
Apply technical skills to authentic situations
Solve complex problems
Critically reflect on processes and assumptions
Learning Outcome 3: 4. Independently initiate, plan and execute a substantial project to meet agreed deliverables
Demonstrate personal autonomy and accountability in the execution of a substantial research or industry project
Apply knowledge and skills with initiative and/or creativity to new situations

For this assignment, you are required to prepare a business event brief for a particular industry outlining the type of event, concept and project management. The business event should be based on your own, original ideas, i.e. not copied directly from a real event.

Course learning outcomes

Conceptualise problems or situations (analyse, analyse, synthesise and evaluate)
Apply technical skills to authentic situations
Solve complex problems
Critically reflect on processes and assumptions

Demonstrate personal autonomy and accountability in the execution of a substantial research or industry project
Apply knowledge and skills with initiative and/or creativity to new situations

For this assignment, you are required to prepare a business event brief for a particular industry outlining the type of event, concept and project management. The business event should be based on your own, original ideas, i.e. not copied directly from a real event.
The choice of industries is including but not limited to:
Fashion and Beauty
After selecting an industry, students will then need to choose a particular type of business event and then produce a project brief. In the project brief, you must include the following aspects in relation to your business event:
Title page including project topic, Unit number and Unit name, your name and your ID number, lecturer name, submission date (not included in the word limit);

Table of content and total Word count at the bottom of this page (not included in the word limit);
Introduce the event (including the type of business event in your chosen industry) and provide the event mission and objectives;
Provide a description of where the event should take place and why. Also include two alternative sites that could be considered;
Outline main three target audience for this event - that is who is the target market - and how you will promote the event to this audience;
Outline what vendors and suppliers might you need to engage to run the event;

Provide an indicative budget incorporating the revenues and costs. This information should be presented as a table (table is not included in the word limit) but ensure you briefly discuss and make reference to it in the body of your assignment paper. Tip: The information must be provided on the base assumptions, such as the number of delegates and the registration fee per delegate. You should look for publicly available information to support your financial assumptions. If this is not available you should provide your best personal estimate. Under no circumstances are you to contact organisations such as hotels to seek this information;Provide a proposed schedule for the actual event. This information should be presented as a table (table is not included in the word limit) but ensure you briefly discuss and make reference to it in the body of your report;

Provide a timeline of the critical activities over the 6 months. This information should be presented as a Gantt chart (chart is not included in the word limit) but ensure you briefly discuss and make reference to it in the body of your report;

Reference list- with a minimum of 3 academic journal references (i.e., scholarly, peer-reviewed information targeting an academic audience) and 5 industry references (i.e., non-scholarly resources, published by e.g. companies / industry bodies, targeting a professional audience). Industry references could be sources such as reports, company documents, and websites. APA 7th referencing style is required (not included in the word limit); and

Appendix (examples of information that could be included in an appendix; include figures/tables/charts/graphs, statistics, questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, pictures, maps, drawings, letters, specification or data sheets.

Reference no: EM133775834

Questions Cloud

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission : Case study about case issue surrounding personnel management in the fire service related to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Evaluate how selected contemporary ecec theories : Evaluate how selected contemporary ECEC theories have been applied in each research paper. Students will examine strengths and weaknesses of each journal
Discuss why frameworks standards and models are an important : Discuss why frameworks, standards, and models are an important part of a business manager's cybersecurity program. Can these keep an organization safe?
Some characteristics of performance-based budgeting : What are some characteristics of performance-based budgeting? What are some advantages and disadvantages of performance-based budgeting?
Develop a comprehensive plan for an event : Develop a comprehensive plan for an event, integrating relevant business theories, knowledge and tools, and the needs and expectations of stakeholders
Entry level training and skill development programs : Proving community members' with the tools they need to forge their futures, the abilities to step into a variety of entry level training and skill development p
How could social media and nontraditional media be used : How could social media and nontraditional media be used to supplement a traditional media campaign in this circumstance?
Executive compensation reflects critical importance : The market trend towards escalating executive compensation reflects the critical importance of an executive to an organization's long-term viability
Reduce the value of their employee benefit packages : Today's globally competitive business environment has caused many U.S. businesses to reduce the value of their employee benefit packages.


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