Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment

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Reference no: EM133510842

Question: The purpose of this assignment is to:

Practice skills in developing a therapeutic partnership with a patient.
Obtain and build, in collaboration with the patient, a comprehensive health history.
Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment based on the data collected and analyzed.
To do this, will interview a volunteer patient and document a comprehensive health history using the guideline provided. will not perform any kind of physical examination; all data will be subjective in nature. will analyze the data collected and compile a list of health problems and risk factors.

Use the document provided below to gather a comprehensive health history.
The document should be formatted in a manner that is consistent with a standard medical record rather than in essay form.

Be sure to address all points under the provided headings.

The HPI should be written in a narrative format.

Other sections may include bulleted points or brief statements.

The Review of Systems should follow the standard format, as illustrated in the textbook.

In the final draft, be sure to remove the italicized instructions that are provided in the document.

Reference no: EM133510842

Questions Cloud

What important concept and practice surrounding child growth : What important concepts and practices surrounding child growth and development have you already learned? Why are they important?
Identify four strategies a culturally competent : Identify four strategies a culturally competent nurse can use to ensure that the patient receives high-quality care
What some lessons from history that nurses have : What some lessons from history that nurses have learned as a profession that will take them into the next century? What can nurses do to help this happen
Analyze your work environment for knowledge gaps : Analyze your work environment for knowledge gaps where the use of simulation would be a viable option to improve competencies
Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment : Obtain and build, in collaboration with the patient, a comprehensive health history. Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment based on the data collected
Conduct a job search for openings : Conduct a job search for openings and find a job you could reasonably see yourself applying to, either now or after you have earned your degree
What are the basic concepts of measurement and data analysis : What are the basic concepts of measurement and data analysis that are used to analyze test results? Describe each one in detail.
What the correct diagnosis is : Give enough information so that people can diagnosis the patient, but do not be too overly apparent about what the correct diagnosis is
What is the presumed physiological basis for this effect : When referring to decongestants, what does the rebound effect mean? What is the presumed physiological basis for this effect


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