Develop a comprehensive and high standard destination

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Reference no: EM132975110

3018THS Destination Management - Griffith University

Location is Paris, France

In groups of three (3), you are required to conduct an analysis for a destination and develop a destination management strategy to develop and manage a target tourist market to the destination. Groups must select one of the eight destinations listed below:

  • Paris, France
  • Phuket, Thailand
  • Hong Kong, China
  • Rome, Italy
  • Auckland, NZ
  • Los Angeles, USA

The project should be undertaken from the standpoint of the regional Destination Management Organisation (DMO), for example, the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Gold Coast Tourism, etc.

Destination Management Strategy has three parts, which will collectively form a formative assessment plan in the course:

Destination Management Strategy - Part A

In order to develop a comprehensive and high standard destination management strategy, your group first needs to complete extensive background research and analysis of your selected destination. This analysis is to ensure that as much relevant information about the current (and possibly past) operating environment is gathered and understood, so that an appropriate destination management strategy can be developed.

In conducting this analysis, you will need to consult with industry resources (e.g., plans, reports, etc.) as well as academic literature to identify trends and challenges in the current operating environment.

Your task:

The task is to research and present an analysis for a destination of your choice (from the list given) and present your analysis in a group report. This analysis should cover the following points:
• The policy and operational environment of the destination
• Key stakeholders
• Demand for the destination
• Issues and challenges that the destination is facing, including COVID-19, and post COVID-19 implications.
Group members will work together to collect background information, exchange ideas, and prepare the report for their selected destination. The report should be approx. 2,500 words (±10%).
You may have learnt tools such as PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis, competitor analysis, visitor analysis, etc., in other courses. You can use these tools to assist with your analysis. Please do not include detailed descriptions of the analysis tools in your report, instead use these tools to provide background for your strategy and the key issues facing your destination (i.e., the results of your analysis).

Destination Analysis Report Format

1. Introduction
Write 1-2 sentences to introduce the purpose of the report, the destination management organisation's name and insert a map of the destination showing its geographic boundaries
2. Policy and operational environment of the destination
Describe the key policies that have been/would influence tourism, describe demographics of residents and industry characteristics, e.g., population size, number of female and male residents, number of young, middle and older aged residents, average education and household income level; and the main industries in the destination
3. Stakeholder Analysis
Identify 4-6 key stakeholders in your chosen destination, briefly say what their stake is, and illustrate their location and importance/influence on the stakeholder analysis matrix.
4. Demand for the destination
Conduct a visitor analysis of the destination. Describe the visitor profile of the destination. Identify 3-4 key segments and describe their relevant demographic, geographic, behavioural, and psychographic characteristics.
Identify 3-4 key experience themes of the destination and provide examples of actual organisations delivering products under each theme.
5. Tourism issues
Use a PESTEL/SWOT or another method to identify a comprehensive list of issues. Present the issues in a table format. Highlight four (4) issues you consider most significant for the destination, explain why.
6. Conclusion
Write a short paragraph that makes a critically informed judgement or evaluative comment about the business situation of the destination
7. References
APA style referencing should be used.

Reference no: EM132975110

Questions Cloud

Identify effective communication channels : Identify effective communication channels for this stakeholder group based on their particular needs and preferences (i.e., how should the vodcast)
Provide an overview of the concept experience economy : Provide an overview of the concept "experience economy" (including transformative experience), and describe how this approach can improve tourist experience
How will impact the performance efforts of the organization : Find and How can you position this to demonstrate how this will impact the performance efforts of the organization? What results do you anticipate?
Find what is the correct amount of VAT payable : The following data were provided for the taxable year (net of applicable taxes): Sales P3,960,180. Find what is the correct amount of VAT payable
Develop a comprehensive and high standard destination : Develop a comprehensive and high standard destination management strategy, your group first needs to complete extensive background research and analysis
What is the carrying amount of the investment : In December 2020, the associate sold inventory to Awit Company for P1,350,000. The cost of the inventory is P900,000. What is the carrying amount of investment
3018THS Destination Management Assignment : 3018THS Destination Management Assignment Help and Solution, Griffith University - Assessment Writing Service
What are the benefits of empowering employees : What are the benefits of empowering employees? What is empowerment? How would you define empowerment? Are there disadvantages to empowering employees?
What is the project PI : A project has an initial cost of $45,000, expected net cash inflows of $9,000 per year for 11 years, and a cost of capital of 11%. What is the project's PI


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