Reference no: EM133076007
TAEDES401 Design and develop learning programs - Chisholm Institute
Project - Design and develop a competency-based learning program
Complete the project to design and develop a competency-based learning program to cover the full unit of competency BSBCMM411 Make presentations.
Use the Case Study provided and in the DES Cluster Assessment Guide to meet the client's needs for the design and development of the learning program.
STEP 1: Background information about the learning program
Design and develop. This information should include the following:
• The purpose of the learning program and how this was identified
e.g. Is there a gap in skills and/or knowledge
• The learning outcomes of the program
• Number of learners and the characteristics of the learner group
• The location or context of the learning program
STEP 2: Unpacking the unit of competency
Access and familiarise yourself with the unit of competency BSBCMM411 Make presentations that you will be using as the basis for this project. You will also need to follow the case study provided for contextualisation.
Unpack and annotate with contextualisation for delivery of this unit of competency. You must annotate the entireunit of competency which includes -
• Elements and performance criteria
• Foundation skills
• Performance evidence
• Knowledge evidence
• Assessment conditions
STEP 3: Training Package, Qualification and Packaging rules
Identify and analyse a training package relevant to meeting the client's needs for DES Project 1(refer to case study).
Do the following:
a) Name the training package (title and code)
b) Identify one (1) qualification from the training package:
i. Name the qualification (title and code)
i. Identify the qualification packaging rules
ii. List a combination of core and elective units (title and code) from the qualification that you have decided are suitable for this target group.
• The number of selected units MUST meet the packaging rules of the qualification
• Highlight the unit that will be the basis for DES Project 1 in YELLOW
iv. Cluster the units you have chosen for delivery in the qualification for delivery
• Consider the needs of your learner cohort when clustering
• Some units should be clustered together (give an explanation for the clustering)
• Some might need to be delivered stand-alone
Note: you do not need to consider the delivery schedule
v. Describe how this qualification meets the needs of the client described in STEP 1.(refer to case study)
STEP 4: Learning Program Plan Part 1: General Program Information
In this section you design and develop the:
1. Learning Program Plan to give an overview of the program,,
2. Risk Control Plan to inform and look after the safety and welfare of the candidate.
STEP 5: Risk Control Plan
In this section you design and develop the Risk Control Plan to inform and look after the safety and welfare of the candidates.
STEP 6: Learning Program Plan Part 2: Program Outline
Use this template to develop the program content and activities for each session in your learning program.
STEP 7: Developing a competency map
The purpose of the competency map is to ensure that all parts of the unit of competency are covered in the delivery and assessment of the program. This template focusses on delivery and is formatted for a unit of competency written in the New Standards for Training Packages format.
STEP 8: Learning program review strategy
Use this template to design a review strategy for your learning program.
Name of learning program
Principal developer/s
Focus of the review
Data to be collected
Method for gathering feedback
Stakeholders who will provide feedback
Method for reviewing, collating and summarising feedback
Recommended improvements to be approved by
Version control considerations
Ongoing review strategy
STEP 9: Learning program evaluation tool
Instructions for the learning program developer:
Ask a peer to read and review your learning program and provide you with feedback using the learning program evaluation tool below.
Instructions for the learning program reviewer:
You are required to:
• Read the entire learning program carefully
• Proofread and identify gap information, recommendations for improvement
• Give meaningful feedback on the learning program evaluation tool (below).
• All programs can be improved upon. Ensure your feedback highlights areas for improvement.
• Comment/Recommendation sections must be completed.
STEP 10: Questions about the learning program
1. Describe what you did and who you worked with to design and develop the learning program (50-100 words for each a - c below). Include how you:
a. Identified program parameters
b. Designed and developed the program content and structure
c. Reviewed and finalised the learning program.
Responses should address feedback received in STEP 9, and outline areas for future improvement
2. Explain how you researched the learning materials for the program. What criteria did you use to select the most suitable resources?
(50-100 words)
3. Explain - and give examples of - how the learning program (50-100 words for each a-d below):
a. Is client focussed - i.e. reflects the needs of the target learners
b. Is safe - i.e. promotes physically and emotionally safe learning progression
c. Covers the dimensions of competence
d. Reflects the principles of:
- adult learning and
- instructional design
Attachment:- Project - Case Study Prompt.rar