Develop a communication strategy for agency

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133217049


Real estate question

Develop a communication strategy for your agency, including record keeping processes, to address buyer expectations.

This strategy must address the following criteria:

  • How often you would communicate with clients and why
  • What methods you would use to communicate with clients and their advantages
  • How to present information to clients and why
  • What record keeping system would you use to record buyer interactions
  • Questions you would ask during the initial meeting

Address each point in detail (Two paragraphs per point)

Reference no: EM133217049

Questions Cloud

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Develop a communication strategy for agency : Develop a communication strategy for your agency, including record keeping processes, to address buyer expectations.
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Service transition be different : Would service transition be different or very different in a network program, or a software development program, or an ERP implementation?
Identify the details behind the conflict : You must listen to each person's perspective equally to identify the details behind the conflict.


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