Develop a communication plan for the company

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13313903

The main part of your project this week will ask you to pick ONE of the company's change plan, and develop a communication plan for the company. This plan should be submitted by using an excel spreadsheet, setting out the Stakeholders, the timeline of the communication plan, the method of communication, the rationale for why you chose this method of communication, the purpose of the communication and identifying "who" will do the communicating. The grid for this project can be found in doc-sharing, entitled "Grid for Week 6 - Communication Plan."  

Attachment:- 505073_1_This-project-piece-will-have-3-parts.docx

Reference no: EM13313903

Questions Cloud

Why is a new approach to innovation mandatory : All innovation, whether a service process or a tangible product, should be viewed as a service-logic innovation. This challenge to traditional, attribute- based views of innovation stems from the understanding
What is marys angular speed : Mary and her younger brother Alex decide to ride the carousel at the State Fair. What is Mary's angular speed %u03C9M and tangential speed vM
Determine the length of the water column : Mercury is poured into a U-tube. The left arm of the tube has cross-sectional area A1 of 10.4 cm2, Determine the length of the water column in the right arm of the U-tube
Estimate what is the total volume of runoff : It rains 3.0 in. on a 20.0 acre watershed. What is the volume of rainfall excess if 30% of the watershed area is a lake and infiltration on the soil is estimated at 1.0 in. What is the total volume of runoff
Develop a communication plan for the company : Develop a communication plan for the company
What is the minimum bottom width to effect the depth : A trapezoidal channel is to be designed to carry a discharge of 250 cfs at a normal depth of 3.5 ft. The channel is running on a slope of 0.005 ft/ft and the side slopes can be no steeper than 2.5 H on 1 V.
Find the conjugate depths of the jump formed in a channel : The discharge through a 6.0 ft wide rectangular channel is 200.0 ft3/s. Find the conjugate depths of the jump formed in such a channel if 3.5 ft of energy head is lost through it.
Calculate the depth of flow 2 km upstream of the dam : A 12.0 m rectangular channel, having a bed slope of 50 cm/km and a Manning roughness coefficient of 0.015, conveys water at a normal depth of 1.0 m. A dam is built across the channel at which the water depth is 2.0 m.
Calculate the resistance per unit length of the wire : When a potential difference of 2 V is applied across the ends of a wire of 5 m length, a current of 1A is found to flow through it. Calculate: the resistance per unit length of the wire


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