Develop a commercial fishing strategy

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Reference no: EM131749954

In the Fish Banks simulation, your team was concerned about the costs of your assets such as your ships, the expenses incurred in maintaining these assets in the harbor, your revenue, as well as the cost of permits, licenses etc. While these were "given in the simulation" in the real world you will have more control over these. The fish you catch are a perishable item and thus they lose value if they are not sold before they perish and are not sellable. This relates to your supply chain. It might be helpful to know how to allocate the type of fish you are fishing for in real life (coast, deep etc.) based upon demand since the fish are perishable.

Now that you have run the simulation and have a general idea of the commercial fishing business and some of the issues and constraints in the business, develop a commercial fishing strategy and the related IT that should be applied. Remember you want to build a viable and thriving fishing company. Build a strategy and do detailed research to determine if your commercial fishing company idea/plan is legal and viable in the real world with all its constraints (fish stocks, permits and their number and prices etc., boat types and equipment prices etc. Also determine what technology is available, or is planned or in initial stages to help you in your business where the product supply is limited and perishable. Think of this as a well thought out and researched business plan/ presentation that you would give to an investor.

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The assignment required me to go through a detailed research in the fishing company in order to start a new company engaged in fishing business to collect the fishes and also to supply. further on the basis of the research the assignment required me to answer the questions based on above research.

Reference no: EM131749954

Questions Cloud

How can performance management benefit organizations : Why is performance management such an important topic for the organization? How can performance management benefit organizations?
How would you describe your company and employees : Describe how learning and management strategies impact strategic performance management processes? How would you describe your company and employees?
Compute the net present value and netted benefit-cost ratio : Consider two projects, A and B, with the following data: Compute the net present value and netted benefit-cost ratio for each project.
Compute the number of equivalent units : Compute the number of equivalent units produced by the department.
Develop a commercial fishing strategy : ISM-5150 - Develop a commercial fishing strategy and the related IT that should be applied. Remember you want to build a viable and thriving fishing company
Discuss common stockholders and the preferred stockholders : Determine the total and per share amounts that would be paid to the common stockholders and the preferred stockholders
What would be the optimal decision in this case : When might Marine International produce in-house or when they might outsource to Baymont? What would be the optimal decision in this case and why?
Research Report - Evaluation of Demand Elasticity : Economics 307 Required Research Report - Evaluation of Demand Elasticity. Describe the quality characteristics of your product
Discuss about qualitative and quantitative considerations : The Consolidated Logging Company Ltd. Early in 1 987, the financial manager of Consolidated Logging Company (CLC) was investigating the possibility of either.



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Here are other attachments 6458193_1Captura de ecrã às 211729.png 26458198_2Captura de ecrã às 211747.png 26458198_3Captura de ecrã 2017-12-3 às 211807.png Dejolas | 9:44:37 PM The final attachment 26458133_1Captura de ecrã às 211821.png simulation/login.html Login ID: password


12/5/2017 12:13:28 AM

100 10 APA Format 10% Essay is free of APA formatting issues Essay contains infrequent APA errors (1-2 errors) Sources not cited Essay contains infrequent APA errors (3-4 errors) Sources not cited APA formatting not used (5 or more errors) Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format. A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Some sources are not accurately documented 100 10 10%


12/5/2017 12:13:23 AM

Analysis Key issues are clearly identified and discussed. Implications are well addressed. Sound critical thinking skills are well displayed. Most key issues are identified and discussed. Some Implications are not clearly addressed. Critical thinking skills are evident, but incomplete. Most key issues are identified, but not thoroughly discussed. Significant implications are not addressed. Some critical thinking skills are evident, but not clear. Significant key issues are not identified and discussed. Implications are not thoroughly addressed. No critical thinking skills are evident. Identifies technologies and information strategies 100 30 30% Analysis Material is complete, well organized, and easy to understand. Main ideas are easy to identify, and are presented in a clear and logical manner. Material is complete, but lacks some clear organization, and is hard to follow in spots. Main ideas are presented, but are hard to identify, and more difficult to follow. Material is substantially complete, but lacks clarity and organization. Material is incomplete, poorly organized, and hard to understand.


12/5/2017 12:13:04 AM

Grade Score Category "Exemplary 100-90" "Proficient 89-80" "Needs Improvement 79-70" "Unacceptable 69-0" Content – Quality of information "Material is complete, well organized, and easy to understand. Main ideas are easy to identify, and are presented in a clear and logical manner. " Material is complete, but lacks some clear organization, and is hard to follow in spots. Main ideas are presented, but are hard to identify, and more difficult to follow. Material is substantially complete, but lacks clarity and organization. Material is incomplete, poorly organized, and hard to understand. Describes company and business srategy 100 20 20%

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