Develop a code of conduct for the organisation

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132268629

Choose the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 legislation


1. Nominate the legislation you wish to present on, (see the body of the case question 5). You will need to communicate this to your teacher as there will only be a select number of teams allowed for the legislations.

2. In teams of two (2) you will need to present your findings to the class.

3. Summarise the purpose of the legislation.

4. Nominate the specific aspect of the legislation you will focus on for purposes of compliance.

5. Detail the statutory requirements presented by this aspect of the legislation which BuyitandSell'em would be obliged to comply with, and requisite penalties, fines in case of non-compliance.

6. You can select from the following legislations, or any other you may feel could be relevant to BuyitandSell'em.

- New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (‘the GST Act')
- Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
- Corporations Act 1989
- Workplace Relation Act 1996
- Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
- The Competition and Consumer Act 2010
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
- Whistleblowers Act
- Privacy Act 1988
- Commonwealth Work Health & Safety Act 2011

Part B Assignment for Monitor Corporate Governance

You are being consulted by BuyItandSell'em Wholesalers, as they have just become incorporated and are wanting your advice as to the areas of corporate governance that are concerning to them. The directors, Maurice Patricks and Angelo Floppi are new to their positions and are curious to the responsibility and liabilities that are associated to the positions.

Consulting Tasks

Complete in report form the following

1. Develop a code of conduct for the organisation that will encompass all facets of the organisation, including the office staff to the warehouse floor workers, should contractors be included?

2. What are the director's responsibilities that Maurice and Angelo will encounter in their new roles as directors? Be sure to cover any legislation that is required and the responsibilities that ensue. In your recommendation be sure to cover the types of directorship, appointment, duties, care, trading of the company, good faith, conflicts of interest, removal of directors.

3. The record keeping of the organisation has been questioned by Maurice more than once. What legislation covers record keeping for the organisation. Considering that the organisation is a large proprietary company, what other legislation requirements are required. Be sure as to include how the system will be monitored, and review

4. Establish a process for the payment and receipt of invoices for the organisation; be sure to include a flow chart to support your recommendation. The company is also wishing to upgrade its payroll system from the use of time cards to a more progressive system. Create an internal control system for the recording and payments of employees hours, there is two types of employees, those on salaries and those on wages (paid hourly).

5. Any organisation is subject to legal requirements, and may suffer heavy penalties where these requirements are not complied with. From your assessment of the case above select any one of the legislations below (that you have not researched and presented on), that you feel BuyItandSell'em Wholesalers Pty ltd would be at risk of non-compliance and write a paragraph describing the purpose of the legislation and how it is that BuyItandSell'em Wholesalers is at risk, some suggestions are following;

- New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (‘the GST Act')
- Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
- Corporations Act 1989
- Workplace Relation Act 1996
- Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993
- The Competition and Consumer Act 2010
- Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
- Whistleblowers Act
- Privacy Act 1988
- Commonwealth Work Health & Safety Act 2011

6. Maurice and Angelo are thinking that if the move to directors and the expansion plans that they are thinking about are successful, that they might wish to become a publicly listed company. What are the guidelines for the company in relation to reporting and disclosure? Angelo also thinks the name of the Company is a little too comical and believes that to be taken seriously they should change the name to Commonwealth Wholesalers or Federal Wholesalers to really give the consumer the impression that the company is large and secure. Advise the directors of the options available to them.

Attachment:- Monitor Corporate Governance.rar

Reference no: EM132268629

Questions Cloud

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Develop a code of conduct for the organisation : FNSACC604 - Monitor corporate governance activities - RMIT University - Choose the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 legislation
Outside of the norm for your gender : Have you ever done something that was outside of the norm for your gender? Why did you do it? How did it make you feel? If not, why do you think this is so?
How a socializing industry has negatively socialized you : Can you think of how a socializing industry has negatively socialized you? Explain.
What is sexual socialization : What is sexual socialization? How society socialize people about sex? How and where do people learn everything about (the do's and don'ts) sex?
Investigate the scope of business information systems : ITC508 Object Modelling Assignment, Charles Sturt University, Australia. Investigate the scope of business information systems in case study



8/29/2019 3:34:44 AM

I get A++ grades in the assignment, thanks to the writer for considering my assignment and delivering me good quality work. Will reach you guys again.


3/28/2019 4:00:38 AM

please choose the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 legislation for this assignment and Please remember you are to provide a hard copy of your presentation on the day of presenting, along with a coversheet and signed Peer Evaluation Form


3/28/2019 3:59:15 AM

This assignment is to be competed in teams of (2). Inform your teacher as to who is in your team you might also want to confirm with the other person that they are in your team. No individuals or teams of three (3) will be accepted. Inform your teacher as to the legislation that you wish to consult on as one (1) legislation per team will be assigned, where possible. There will be time given in class for the progression of the assignment. These classes are where you can demonstrate your input in the assignment this is a criteria of the assignment. Your mark is dependent on attendance in these classes.


3/28/2019 3:59:09 AM

This assessments is in two parts Part A is a presentation to be completed by week 12 encompassing the case attached. Part B is the preparation of a report encompassing questions for the case attached. The due date for the submission of the report is also week 12. The submission of the report must be submitted online and a hard copy provided on the day. This is to be completed in teams of 2 and hard copies must also be provided in class this same day.

Write a Review

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