Develop a class airborne location

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161711

develop a class AirborneLocation that represents the location of airplanes with respect to a reference radar location. Each AirborneLocation object should include data member for aircraftID (integer),

aircraft type (M or C as a char) and the position x,y, and z (double). the x corresponds to east or west with east being positive. the y corresponds to north or south with the north being positive
the z coesponds to up or down with up being positive.

the class should have functions for getting and setting each of its data members. it should also have functions for calculates how far the plane is from the reference (x^2+y^2+z^2)^(1/2)

the main program should read in data from a file. a sample file is given below. then it should ouput all the information in the file in nice neat columns along with the plane that is the closest
and he farthest from the radar station
7194   M   95.2   20.4   3.5
9502   C   -38.1   -45.9   -1.1
7771   C   55.7   -50.2   .3
9947   M   -87.6   14.5   2.0
1213   C   10.8   -96.5   1.5



Reference no: EM13161711

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