Develop a child-friendly strategy that Identifies the ages

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Reference no: EM133289686

Landscape Architecture Design

This is a landscape design using CAD

Multispecies narratives

where you will work individually to design as a child/children

1. Review survey and analysis carried out as a group and select an area from the group masterplan to develop in detail as a response to the brief. Generate a 1:200 or 1:100 base drawing at A1, with the outline masterplan, as the starting point for this project. The choice of scale is yours. If you choose 1:100, you will be looking at a smaller area in more detail; if you choose 1:200, you will be looking at a larger area in less detail.

2. Review relevant precedents

3. Come up with a concept for your individual project and represent it creatively. The concept is the overarching idea behind your design and can often be encapsulated in a short phrase or strapline. Your concept should ideally be developed and evolve from the group concept for Multispecies Narratives I, and you can keep the same concept if applicable to this part of the project. You can represent the concept in any creative form: collages, artwork, painting, soundings, mind map, etc. Be creative.

4. Develop a child-friendly strategy that Identifies the ages of children that you seek to cater for, those children's needs for the park and the opportunities that your park will incorporate to meet those needs (for example hiding, balancing, exploring, climbing, listening, watching etc. opportunities). Also include the needs/opportunities of carers/families that will accompany those children to the park. An example of a child-friendly strategy is included at the end of the document.

5. Identify how your concept and child-friendly requirements might be translated into a spatial design, so you need a spatial diagram, overlaid into your sketch masterplan, showing how functions will be distributed on your detail site.

6. Represent precedents, concept, spatial diagram and child-friendly strategy graphically into an A1 or A2 sheet. Please bring printed drafts of work in progress drawings (A3s is fine) to the next tutorial. Please ensure that the research that you carry out for your concept and child- friendly strategy is appropriately referenced in any drawings that you produce.


1. Refine concept, spatial diagram and child-friendly strategy, as required.

2. Develop a 1:200 or 1:100 Draft Masterplan. The masterplan needs to be accurately drawn,
with an accompanying key that details all materials and elements used in your park.


1. Finalise 1:100 or 1:200 Masterplan. Your drawing needs to be accurately drawn (by hand or in CAD) and show:
• Existing and proposed contours (interval 1.0m at 1:200; 0.5m at 1:100) and spot levels as appropriate.
• Drainage falls (gradients).
• All hard surfaces drawn to a detailed level, including resolved junctions and edges of
paths. Imagine that if the drawing had no colour, the line drawing should provide
enough information to read the plan.
• All landscape and play elements drawn to a detailed level, including steps and street
furniture, if relevant.
• Lighting locations and types, if relevant.
• A comprehensive key describing all materials used with their broad specification (unit
sizes and pattern).
2. Decide with your tutor which 3 key proposed spaces you will use to develop hand-drawn or
computer drawn visualisations and start drafting this (if time).
3. Decide with your tutor which section/elevation you will develop across the site (from the river's edge) and start drafting this (if time).


Taking on board received feedback, you are required to present all information in the following sheets:

1. Sheet 1 (A1): concept, precedents, child friendly strategy and spatial diagram.

2. Sheet 2 (A1): 1:200 or 1:100 Masterplan, accompanied by 3 x hand-drawn or computer-
drawn visualisations of key proposed spaces in your masterplan and a section/elevation.
You can expand into a further A1 if you need more space.

Please print out your 2 x sheets (or more) and prepare a 10 minute (max) presentation to take us through your thinking and design process from concept to detailed design.

Attachment:- Multispecies narratives.rar

Reference no: EM133289686

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12/5/2022 9:18:44 PM

This is a landscape design using CAD I have made it so pls continue what I have done from 29 assessment to 6 assessment I'll send you what I have done so far and examplar next assessment REVIEW OF CONCEPT, SPATIAL DIAGRAM AND CHILD FRIENDLY STRATEGY 6 (Tuesday) 1. Refine concept, spatial diagram and child-friendly strategy, as required. 2. Develop a 1:200 or 1:100 Draft Masterplan. The masterplan needs to be accurately drawn, with an accompanying key that details all materials and elements used in your park.

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