Develop a character that exhibits typical characteristics

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Reference no: EM132461612 , Length: 3 pages

Concept Map

Section 1: Two major hypotheses have been developed as to the causes and possible treatments of schizophrenia: The Dopamine Hypothesis and The Glutamate Hypothesis. Complete the concept map with details in the appropriate areas of the map with characteristics and differences between these two hypotheses to support your discussion. Be sure to include at least 3 facts in the Dopamine Hypothesis, The Glutamate hypothesis and the shared section for both.

Section 2: In no less than 1000 words

Question 1) Develop a character that exhibits typical characteristics of an individual with schizophrenia. Be specific in naming your character and painting a picture of the development of the typical behavior and interactions of your character. Include the progression of your character's disorder prior to diagnosis and treatment.

Question 2) Include a discussion of the two hypotheses for schizophrenia and how each hypothesis may apply to your character.

Question 3) Discuss at least 2 treatment options for your character and how each drug alters the brain of your character to treat the disorder. Discuss how each treatment option would affect the behavior of your character and if one treatment option is more effective than the other.

Attachment:- Concept Map Worksheet.rar

Reference no: EM132461612

Questions Cloud

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Compute the expected value for the profit : Which decision is preferred for the objective of maximizing the expected profit?
Measures of central tendency and the measures of variability : Can the measures of central tendency and the measures of variability be used together to describe a set of scores?
Permanent dwellings on an entire reservation : For this problem, carry at least four digits after the decimal in your calculations. Answers may vary slightly due to rounding.
Develop a character that exhibits typical characteristics : Develop a character that exhibits typical characteristics of an individual with schizophrenia. Be specific in naming your character and painting a picture.
Explain how will track progress toward the measurable goal : Explain how you will track progress toward the specific measurable goals you established. Identify specific areas where the organization's performance
Confidence interval for the population standard deviation : What is the lower limit of the 90% confidence interval? What is the upper limit of the 90% confidence interval?
How many magazines did lee sell : If Terrence sold 50% than Lee by the end of the second week, how many magazines did Lee sell?
Calculate margin of safety as a percentage of sales units : The product is to be sold at RM2 per bar. Calculate margin of safety as a percentage of sales units. What is profit(loss) at a sales volume of 50,000 units



2/22/2020 1:19:51 AM

Note: If direct links do not work for videos/resources listed below, you may have to right click on the link and indicate you want to open the link in a new window or tab. You can also cut and paste the web address into a new browser window. In preparation for the Focus Paper for this seminar Use the following document of the enlarged concept map to complete the assignment: Concept Map WorksheetPreview the document (i attached u the document.) For this assignment, Part 2 of the assignment should be completed on the landscaped formatted MS word document following the concept map. At least 3 credible resources need to be used in addition to the text to complete this assignment. Format citations within concept map and text in APA formatted, and include all references at end of assignment in a reference list

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