Develop a casual online jump and run game

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132291891


You will showcase your User Experience design skills and develop a casual online 'jump and run' game to be deployed on the web. The core functionality of the game will be completed via a provided tutorial. You will design and develop a theme for the game, applying User Experience concepts to create an immersive and fun game using appropriate media and feedback elements.

Additionally, you will find friends and family or others who are willing to be your 'end-users' who will help you to evaluate your product and give you feedback. This user-centred design approach will also utilise these users in the final product testing, providing you with their individual perspectives about your product.


The objective of this assignment is to create an enjoyable learning environment while covering a number of essential concepts that will aid you as a User Experience designer in future projects. You will learn to apply various skills, strategies and techniques covered within the provided tutorial as well as understanding the importance of having your users/clients provide input and evaluation as part of the development process.

The task of developing a 'jump and run' game is broken into three project milestones to mirror real-world development where progress is required to be shown to the user/client at pre- defined dates.


Game Specification

You will develop a 'jump and run' game by following the steps in the tutorial provided, using Google Web Designer (GWD). By following the 'jump and run' tutorial, your game will incorporate/include:
• A front page;
• The game play page;
• A Help page;
• A Credits page (may be included at the end when the user decides to quit, and should identify the source of resources not created by you).

You will create a theme for your game and apply this to the tutorial.
• Your theme should be applied to all visual elements of the game.
• All interaction should be consistent with your theme.
• Relevant feedback elements should be included that give your users a positive user experience.
Your final game folder will include HTML pages, an assets folder with images and sounds and Javascript files created by GWD.

User Evaluation and Testing
• Users: You are required to find between 2 and 5 people who will act as your users (or potential clients) to give input and help you in your game development process. No more than one of these users can be your classmate.
• User Evaluation: Once you have finalised your design documentation, you will present your design to your users and ask them to provide you with input and feedback about your design. You will find sample questionnaires for User Evaluation and Testing under the Assignment 2 details. You should select a range of appropriate questions for your users to answer when evaluating your game.
• Responding to User Feedback: Responding to the input that you receive from your users, you are required to design an enhancement or change to your game.

Enhancement Design

Following and responding to the input that you receive from your users, you are required to design an enhancement which extends the functionality provided in the tutorial. This may include one of the following, depending on the input and feedback you received from your users:
• an additional animation;
• a splash animation page;
• additional interactions;
• the addition of a score or timer;
• the addition of an enhancement of your choice.

User Evaluation and Testing
• User Testing: Before final hand-in of your game, you need to ask your users to test your product. As for the User Evaluation, create a Testing Questionnaire from the sample questions for testing under the Assignment 2 details.

Part A: Design Documentation

Your design document should include a Concept Paper and a Functional Specification with at least the sections listed below.
1. Concept Paper ***
• Introduction
• Background
• Description
• Genre and target age group
2. Concept Map - showing your ideas for your theme including graphics, interactions, etc.
3. Functional Specification ***
• Simple navigation shown in a flowchart
• Storyboards - Screen layout(s) showing your theme implementation;
4. Wireframe / Prototype (optional) - you may provide a link to a 1-2 pages wireframe of your design if you wish. This is optional due to the fact that some of your chosen wireframe products are on 30-day trials and may not be still available. However, as 3 suggested alternate products were suggested in this unit, and are simple to use, you may choose to create a prototype. You may prefer to present your designs to your users in this form.
*** Please ensure that you read Topic 8 for details of each of these sections.
The documentation should all be included within ONE Word document with an appropriate front page added. Name this file clearly, e.g. cseton10_Ass2_A.docx, and submit this via MySCU.

Part B: Completed Tutorial, User Evaluation and Enhancement Design

Tutorial: all of the following should be working as required:
• Viewing player instructions (i.e. help);
• Jump and Run game - appropriate actions to user input, able to be terminated;
• All bugs eliminated.
User Evaluation:
• User evaluation forms filled out by your users;
Enhancement Design:
• Any necessary storyboards to show enhancements;
• Optional pseudocode for your enhancements showing decisions, processes and structure;
• Must detail desired functions, inputs, outputs, and any additional media needed.
You will need to submit any new flowcharts, storyboards (if necessary) and documentation; along with your game folder via MySCU. Only include those storyboards/flowcharts/other documentation that show changes from Part A. You should zip up all the required files and name this file clearly, e.g.

Part C: Implementation of Enhancements, User Testing and Completed Game

Final Product
• Implement the enhancements following your users' feedback and input about your game.
User Testing:
• User testing forms filled out by your users;

Please submit the full documentation for your game (includes previous two hand-ins) and your entire game folder (html and Javascript file(s) and any other associated or necessary files).

You should NOT submit any files that are not necessary to the operation of your game. You should zip up all the required files and name this file clearly, e.g.

Attachment:- Designing the User Experience.rar

Verified Expert

This assignment is containing three part first part is designing the game jump and run proposal. In second part we develop game using google web design tool. In the third part we prepare a project report. All the parts have been successfully done with the proper code and proper formatting.

Reference no: EM132291891

Questions Cloud

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4/23/2019 11:47:22 PM

You may use other people's code in your assessment, but it is imperative that you acknowledge that it is not yours. The inclusion of a comment indicating the source is all that is required.Include any of your modified code in between lines like this - which helps to identify your work additional to the tutorial


4/23/2019 11:47:04 PM

Part A: (Design Documentation) 11 pm Sunday Week 9 Part B: (Completed Tutorial/User Evaluation and Enhancement Design) 11pm Sunday Week 11 Part C: (Implementation of enhancements/User Testing/Completed Game) 11pm Monday Week 13 NOTE: The due dates for Part A and Part B above are progressive hand-ins - they allow us to provide you with a small amount of feedback on your game and make sure that you are on the right track. No actual marking will be done until after the final hand-in in Week 13.

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