Reference no: EM131650818 , Length: 6
Digital and Interactive Marketing Assessment - Case Study (Facilitation)
Assignment Brief
For the case study, students are to choose a brand / firm with an active English website. A topic on digital marketing innovation will be randomly assigned to each student. The overall task is to develop a case study to review the digital marketing innovation and evaluate the appropriateness for the chosen brand / firm to implement the innovation.
Topics for Sem 2 2017:
- Social Listening (teaching week 6)
- Wireless Analytics (teaching week 7)
- Proogrammatic advertising (teaching week 8)
The Case Study Facilitation will be assessed in two different parts: (1) In-class facilitation; and (2) Case Study Report
Part I - Case Study Facilitation
Each student will lead the discussion of one case study. The discussion will be 60-minute in duration. Facilitators are responsible with three core tasks:
1. to guide the case discussion;
2. to provide a synopsis of the group discussion;
3. to accurately and fairly grade each individual's participation in the discussion.
To guide the discussion, each facilitator should prepare a summary handout for students, which highlight the digital marketing concepts and innovations that are particularly relevant to the case study questions and prompt students to contribute their own answers. To support your points and to broaden the discussion you are required to incorporate at least one additional academic article in your discussion. The quality of the facilitation will be assessed by peer review and by the lecturer.
The layout and structure of the group discussion should follow the structure of the report.
Part II - Facilitation Report Structure
1. Executive Summary - An executive summary should highlight some key findings and suggestions to motivate a reader to read the report.
2. Company Summary - company, market, major competitors, online presence (website, social network page, etc.)
- This section is critical when you are assessing how and why you should implement / not implement the digital marketing innovation for this chosen brand / firm
3. Introduction of the digital marketing innovation (~1 pages)
- What is the innovation and what are some examples (e.g., Alexa is an example of a website analytic tool)?
- How does the innovation work and how has the marketing industry used it?
- How do you setup the innovation?
- Why is the innovation important (tips: think about the unit content / topics)?
4. Critical analysis of the digital marketing innovation - what is the strength and limitation of this digital ?marketing innovation (~2 pages)
- How can you use the innovation to achieve marketing competiveness (strength)?
- How can you use the innovation to inform your marketing decision (strength)?
- What type of company or business model would benefit (strength) or would not benefit from (limitation) using this innovation?
- What are the downfalls of the innovation or what can't you measure (limitation)?
- What are the caveats that marketers need to understand when they use this innovation (limitation)?
- What are the challenges and difficulties of using this innovation (limitation)?
5. Suggestions and Conclusion - how and why would you implement the digital marketing innovation for the chosen brand / firm? (~2 pages)
- What are the resources that are required to implement this innovation?
- Justify why you would or would not implement this innovation for your chosen company?
- If you would implement this innovation, provide a case study on how the chosen company can use this innovation (tips: provide clear objective and implementation plan).
- If you would not implement this innovation, provide a case study on alternatives that may achieve similar marketing evaluation (tips: provide clear objective and implementation plan).
6. References
- At least one academic reference