Develop a business editorial that presents your position

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Reference no: EM133506025

Problem: Thelma

1. Apply decision-making techniques.
2. Determine factors affecting decision implementation.
3. Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation.
4. Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.
5. Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes.

Prompt: Develop a business editorial that presents your position on a timely business issue. Support your position with credible references on your topic of interest. Instructions Your summary should be written using APA style and include, at minimum, the following:

1. A clear statement of the issue
2. A thorough discussion of each of the premises
3. Credible, supporting evidence for each of the premises
4. Response to each of the counterarguments, including evidence
5. A strong, logical connection between the premises and the conclusion
6. Thorough research and documentation
7. Writing that presents a compelling argument.

Reference no: EM133506025

Questions Cloud

What are the likely consequences for non-compliance : what are the likely consequences for non-compliance? to take into account sector relevant compliance requirements (aged care, early learning, leisure)
Explain the five common responses to a complaint : Analyze and critique the website. In your opinion, is this court website user-friendly? --explain your answer with specific examples to justify your opinion.
Write an summary that illustrates the impact of the internet : Write an summary that illustrates the impact of the Internet on Human Rights (In a pinch you should review the UN Declaration on Human Rights if you get stuck).
How should these tools be validated : How should these tools be validated? Are there any similarities and/or differences between them? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of these
Develop a business editorial that presents your position : Develop a business editorial that presents your position on a timely business issue. Support your position with credible references on your topic of interest.
Role of macrophages in formation of atherosclerotic plaques : Atherosclerosis is thought to be an inflammatory disorder. What is the role of macrophages in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques?
Describe methods that will be utilized to select the target : Describe methods that will be utilized to select the target market for the business. Describe who your customers are (the target market).
Write a summary on non-verbal communication : Write a summary on non-verbal communication and what we can learn from it. For your summary please look at the videos and article linked below.
Describe your individual approach to integrating your core : describe your individual approach to integrating your core values with the way you think and live. In doing so, you might answer questions such as


Write a Review

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