Reference no: EM132366840
Case Study to Solve an IS Problem
Course objective:
LO-2: Solve problems associated with information systems both theoretically and practically, and critically reflect on their effectiveness on management processes
LO-3: Communicate professionally and effectively in written and oral communication to various audiences
Assignment - Specification
This assignment is case study-based report. You will be submitting a report in Ms word and PowerPoint presentation
Most Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are already aware of the benefits of adopting Cloud storage. However, they often lack a clear idea on how to carry out the transformation to cloud environment in a structured manner. In most cases, cloud solutions are usually adopted using an ad-hoc, less tactical approach, leading to a more complex and fragmented information technology landscape with increased costs. Nonetheless, cloud undeniably has significant potentials and benefits with respect to business value creation.
This assignment is aimed at creating a business-case driven approach for deciding which Cloud option is most valuable, and capable of unlocking optimal business value for Telelink casevia thorough evaluation of the cloud option's benefits - from both IT and business perspectives.
CASE STUDY: Develop a Business Case for Cloud Storage adoption
You are an Information Systems consultant to Telelink, a medium sized telecommunications company in Auckland. Telelink conducts surveys, takes product orders, mails out information kits, and provides reception and 0800 services. Telelink has grown to become one of New Zealand's largest contact centres. The company offers services such as database management, lead generation, customer retention, and payments processing and works with technologies such as email, internet and texting.
The CIO of Telelink has asked you to explore Cloud storage options for her company. In order to create a holistic and coherent roadmap, your required to prepare a business case report and presentation (not more than 20 slides) that capture thefollowing:
A. Telelink "As-Is" Environment: Correctly analyseTelelink's current IT landscape with respect to the firm's long-term business objectives.
You may structure your discussion around the following points:
o Underlying technology
o Total cost of ownership including cost of Labour
o Governance and organisation
o Risk management
You can make logical assumptions especially in a situation where certain information is not available.
B. Evaluate and select appropriate Cloud solution and deployment model:
You are required to capture the following:
a. Cloud solution selection process: Show the steps taken for selecting a cloud provider, deployment and/or service models from potential alternatives.
b. Provide a short overview of your selected cloud service provider.
For example, if you have chosen AWS as your preferred provider, you need to provide clear justification for your decision. You can compare the benefits (such as the SLA options-availability, security, reliability etc)with both on-premiseand other competing providers. (Note: provider must be either NZ based or Global Cloud serviceprovider)
C. Critical assumptions and Constraints: If you have used some assumptions or constraints in your business-case, they must be clearly described. In addition, you should state organisation policies to be developed or modified where necessary.
D. The method to be used for migrating from on-premise servers toCloud:
Discuss the method used for migrating from on premise to cloud.
E. Quantify Cost, Investment and strategic opportunities: Analyse new investments to be made both short- and long-term including cost of managing Cloud environment, upgrading your data Security framework to protect clients' and your firm's data and ensuring the integrity of data on servers and end-userdevices.
F. Validate your business case using the following indicator:
a. Return on Investment
b. Quality of service
G. Reflect on your overall business-case using the following options with appropriate recommendation: (i) Do nothing (keep the current locally managed server) (ii) Migrate critical aspect of the business to Cloud (iii) Consider total migration. In addition, you can compare the Telelink "As-Is" Environment with your proposed cloud storage environment. Your comparison should include technology optimization (Scaling, Price, Service), Transformation Impact (government Policy, Application Optimization, compliance, business alignment, Security, On demand and OperationalIntegration) (10 marks)
H. Professional presentation (Quality of writing + Grammar + References +Formatting +Structure)