Reference no: EM13944874 , Length: word count:7000
Townsville Visitor Survey - Research Project Methodology
Adopting an interpretive approach involves using qualitative methods like:
Focus Groups
Participant Observation
The event organiser in Gold Coast is seeking to develop a better understanding of attendee motives. From previous iterations of delivering the event, the managers know that attendees can be classified into two primary groups: tourists and non-tourists (definitions provided below). However, the event organisers want to develop understanding of (1) the demographic profile of attendees; (2) Descriptive statistics for each motive tested and identification of key motives for the total sample, tourists and non-tourists; (4) whether the event satisfaction of attendees (tourists and non-tourists) is correlated with peoples intentions to attend the event the following year. To develop this understanding the event organisers canvassed the available literature in two areas: motives for event attendance and tourist motivations for event attendance. From this literature, six motives were identified: Escape, known group socialisation, external group socialisation, novelty, cultural experience, event attraction (each is defined below). In addition, event satisfaction was measured with a common metric (see the questionnaire instrument in tab 2, below) as were future intentions.
Purpose of analysis
You have been commissioned to provide a report to the event organisers, which clearly responds to the objectives listed in section 1.
Escape [Esc]: Attending event provided a break from day to day life
Known-group socialisation [KGS]: attending the event provided opportunities to spend time with friends
External group socialisation [EGS]: attending the festival provided opportunity to spend time with like minded people
Novelty [NOV]: The opportunity to have a new and exciting experience
Cultural experience [Cult]: The opportunity to enjoy a cultural experience
Event attraction [EvAttr]: Motivated by the specific performances at the event
1. The following questions explore your motivations for attending today's event. Please rate your level of agreement with each item.
1-SD 2-D 3-N 4-A 5-SA
Esc I attended this event as an escape from my day to day life
KGS I attended this event to spend time with my friends
EGS I attended this event to spend time with other likeminded people
Nov I attended this event to experience something new and novel
Cult I attended this event for a distinct cultural experience
EvAttr I attended this event because of the artists' performances
2. The following item explores your satisfaction with your attendance at today's event. Please rate your level of satisfaction using the options provided
Sat Based on your experience today, how satisfied are you with today's event? 1-VD 2-D 3-N 4-S 5-VS
3. The following item explores your intentions to attend this event next year. Please rate how likely you are to attend this music event next year using the options provided
Int Please rate whether you intend to attend this music event next year 1-DWNA 2-MNA 3-U 4-MA 5-DWA
4. The following questions refer to you demographics
Age How old are you? 18-30
Gender What is your gender? Male Female
Income How much do you currently earn per year? $0-$50,000
Rel Please select your current marital status from the following options Never married ?
De facto
Currently single
Tour To attend this event did you need to stay away from your home for 1 or more nights Yes No
Words:- 7000
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