Develop a basic administrator web tool

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131207831

Final Project:

Your task is to develop a basic "administrator" web tool for managing employee information for a university. To build such a dynamic website, you are required to employ the Spring framework for the dynamic website development. Two components will be used inside the framework: MVC for web view and JDBC for data generation. Also, you are required to use Tomcat as the web server to deal with "http" requests and responses. The attached is the ".css" file, which is optional. You can choose your own style to make the webpage nicer. 

To make a standard for grading, you are required to have the same project name, called "EmployeeData". Also make sure you have the same link for the main page that displays the list all employees: https://localhost:8080/EmployeeData/list  


(1) Successful record insertion into database via web page

(2) Successful record edition on database via web page

(3) Successful record(s) deletion on database via web page

(4) Correct "index.jsp" display

(5) Correct "add_edit.jsp" for insertion and edition

(6) Correct "confirm.jsp" to display the newly inserted or edited record (7) Correct ".war" file for browser running.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131207831

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Develop a basic administrator web tool : CPS499 Final Project: Your task is to develop a basic "administrator" web tool for managing employee information for a university. To build such a dynamic website, you are required to employ the Spring framework for the dynamic website development
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9/15/2016 8:14:13 AM

In this project you need to submit the source code project. And submit the export project file “EmployeeData.war”. It would be good if you can provide a “.pdf” or “.docx” document stating what you have implemented. No need to submit the database files.

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