Determining the root causes of health disparities

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Reference no: EM131134369



Social Problem Versus Personal Trouble?

When you think of a social problem with regard to health, what comes to mind? You may be most familiar with smoking or obesity as representing social problems with regards to health. Yet, is this a social problem, or is it the responsibility of the individual to take charge over his or her own health?

Consider for example, the role of advertising for cigarettes in low-income neighborhoods. Or the concept of food deserts in low-income communities where easy access to cheap fast-food far outweighs the prevalence of healthy and nutritious food. To what degree are health and disease the responsibility of the individual or the society?

A sociological perspective helps us understand population health and can greatly prepare health professionals to tackle pressing public health issues. Determining the root causes of health disparities helps us to ask critical research questions regarding social forces that may contribute to disease patterns. These causes can also assist in the development of interventions that promote health and well-being.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources for this week. Select a health issue and consider how this issue impacts health outcomes from a sociological perspective rather than an individualistic perspective.

Note: In grading every required Discussion posting, your Instructor uses a Discussion rubric, located in the Course Information area. Review the rubric prior to completing your Discussion.

This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 7 of this week. You are required to submit your initial post by Day 3. You are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start engaging in a discussion with your colleagues. You must respond to at least one of your colleagues by no later than Day 5 and should continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 7. Part of what makes a Discussion a discussion and not a lecture is the back and forth, in-depth, animated interaction of at least two people. If you start a topic and none of your colleagues are responding, consider what you can do to get the conversation going. Include something that would elicit further thoughts and different opinions from colleagues. Validate your opinions with references and links to the sources you used so that your colleagues can read them for themselves. See your Discussion rubric in the Course Information tab for specific grading requirements.

Post an explanation of the health issue you selected, including how this issue represents a social problem. Then, take a position on which social categories you believe are most impacted by this issue and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.

Remember to begin interaction with your colleagues in the Discussion no later than Day 5 and continue engaging through Day 7. Continue the Discussionby Day 5 and explain how adopting a "sociological lens" might better inform those working in health about the issues your colleagues described. Then, provide a cultural consideration that you believe most influences your colleague's health issue and explain why.

Support your work with specific citations from this week's Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Reference no: EM131134369

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