Determining the personality or interests

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131053561

Choose one of the following topics and develop an analytical essay of 500 to 600 words, following the steps outlined in the readings and activities of Unit 1. Save all of your preliminary work and your first draft, as directed previously, and attach these to your final copy when you send it to your Open Learning Faculty Member.

Your essay will be marked on the following elements: clear thesis, main points that support the thesis, good use of detail to explain and illustrate your main points, smooth transitions between paragraphs, coherent, unified, and well-developed paragraphs, introduction and conclusion that signal the beginning and ending of the essay both in content and tone, grammatically correct sentences, accurate word choices, standard spelling and punctuation. You may wish to refer to a handbook such as one of those listed in "Supplemental Resources" for guidelines to standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


  1. Explain how a specific event, circumstance, or situation has helped shape some aspect of your personality or interests.
  2. Discuss how the neighbourhood or community in which you grew up or live now has affected some aspect of your life or the lives of its residents in general.
  3. Discuss ways in which an event or circumstance at work has affected your approach to or understanding of a specific aspect of your job.

Reference no: EM131053561

Questions Cloud

Supplies earthmoving and construction equipment : Sable Inc. is a company based in San Francisco, CA, that manufactures and supplies earthmoving and construction equipment. Sable either sells the equipment to customers or leases it under terms specific to a customer's needs. Buildit Inc. is a gro..
What are examples of reflexive verbs : What are examples of reflexive verbs? Can you also give an example with a sentence?
Argument about issue affecting your future career field : Write a researched argument about an issue affecting your future career field, your major field, or your community. This paper is your own argument, but you should take into account what you've learned during this course:
Comparing two essays and basis for comparison : Make sure that your thesis signals both your purpose in comparing the two essays and the basis for comparison that you have chosen. You may find that the Discussion Questions that follow each essay are useful in helping you identify the thesis, ma..
Determining the personality or interests : Explain how a specific event, circumstance, or situation has helped shape some aspect of your personality or interests. Discuss how the neighbourhood or community in which you grew up or live now has affected some aspect of your life or the lives of..
Residence and source-ordinary income : Kit is a permanent resident of Australia. He was born in Chile and retains his Chilean citizenship. Kit spends most of the year working off the coast of Indonesia on an oil rig for a United States company.
Notes about the american revolution : United States Declaration of Independence in 1776, but he did not cite a source for the information. When taking notes about the American Revolution, Sara found a quote of Benjamin Franklin's words, which she paraphrased. She inserted it into her ..
Which scheme is better and why : Also consider two different clustering schemes: (1) where Cluster1 contains records {1,2,3} and Cluster2 contains records {4,5,6} and (2) where Cluster1 contains records {1,6} and Cluster2 contains records {2,3,4,5}. Which scheme is better and why..
Question regarding the writing for the web : You have likely seen hundreds of thousands of Web pages over the span of your lifetime. Generalize how well you feel the audience and purpose overall of all the Websites you have viewed are aligned. Speculate to the reason behind your generalizati..


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