Determining the nationalism and socialism

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Reference no: EM131501699

Read each of the following posts. Create a 40-50 word response to each. Must be in your own words.

Post 1

Numerous things led up to these revolutions in 1848. Many states had gone to war at the same time and it seems that all of them could agree on one thing, and that was the political part of it. The people wanted to be free, they wanted democracy. The political system was on its way to be liberalized, and not only by the middle working class people but the poor were going to have their power has well.

Nationalism and socialism were crucial topics. It was almost taboo to even think of it. This would give the citizens too much power and the monarchs were not willing to give up so much of it. This would mean that the common folk would give others' ideas that were too negative about their government, and this would cause havoc.

Communication was key before the revolutions. It was how news spread and ideas got around. The printing technology at that time was slow and not too popular until the people became vocal. However, peasants had no access to newspapers, these things were exclusive to the middle class, more so to males than females. Being that they socialized at bars. As well as the type of paper and length of it played a big role. Nonetheless the information got out.

Post 2

After the Manchu conquered China and assumed power in 1644 they made some pretty radical changes for the time period. Although they used and appointed many Chinese to government positions, it was mainly Chinese who joined them before they took power. They were called "banners" and organized the government like military units (Haw, 66). They were able to take control of land from people who had abandoned it during the war and later from people who still lived on it. This displaced many poor people and they were then forced to become laborers for the bannermen (Haw, 66). Agriculture suffered because the Manchu were not farmers and didn't care and the new homeless laborers had no incentive to give their best. The Manchu also allowed more foreigners to come to China and trade. Embassies and western churches were also allowed to be built in the city of Beijing.

Post 3

1845- 1847 was just a bad couple years "three separate but interrelated crises: a run of very poor harvests; a trade cycle downturn, what would today be called a recession; and a financial and banking panic, (Sperber, pg 105)." All of which would be enough to start a revolution. Because, for the most part except for the loss of jobs and an epidemic. Pretty much anything that could have happened happened within those years. Because with bad harvests prices rise and if trade goes down then there isn't enough money people go to the bank to get money so they can service. Thus, this will cause tensions any way but if this is going on for years people are bound to snap. However if the government "raises taxes, recruiting and garrisoning soldiers, and closely regulated forest use" (Sperber, pg 240). That along with everything else that happened pretty much put the last nail in the coffin so to speak. Some countries escaped Revolutions like England did by creating a welfare state of sorts. Others had mass starvation problems and the ones that survived started a revolt. Others were some where in-between the two extremes. Where not many people starved and they had few revolts. Overall just a lot things that wouldn't have been that bad by itself were combined in to a huge mess and then it sky rocketed from there.

Reference no: EM131501699

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