Determining the dimensions of the tank

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131784622

Question: A containing tank is to be constructed that will hold 500 cubic meters of oil when fIlled. The shape of the tank is to be a cylinder (including a base) surmounted by a cone, whose height is equal to its radius. The material and labor costs to construct the cylindrical portion of the tank are $300 per square meter, and the costs for the conical top are $400 per square meter. Write a program that calculates the heights of the cylinder and the cone for a given radius that is input and that also calculates the total cost of constructing the tank. Starting with a radius of 4.0 meters and incrementing by various (small) step sizes, run your program several times to determine the dimensions of the tank that will cost the least.


Reference no: EM131784622

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