Determining the color changes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522234

Color Changes

For this week's assignment, please answer EACH of the following questions/prompts,and post them to the drop box as a single document.

  1. What three particles make up every atom?
  2. What are the major differences among the three particles that make up every atom?
  3. What is the relationship between a photon and a quantum leap?
  4. Using the periodic table, determine the result of the following calculation: the number of electrons in the outer shell of a hydrogen atom minus the number of electrons in the outer shell of a helium atom plus the number of electrons in the outer shell of a hydrogen atom.
  5. When is an electron a valence electron? Why are valence electrons especially important in chemical reactions?
  6. Are the following substances acid, base, or neutral:sodium bicarbonate (pH = 8.3):
  7. Blood (pH = 7.4):
  8. milk (pH =6.7):
  9. orange juice (pH = 3.6):
  10. milk of magnesia (pH = 10.5):
  11. When your body metabolizes the food you eat, are the chemical reactions endothermic or exothermic?
  12. When a chemical reaction takes place, it is noted that the temperature in the environment of the reaction drops. Is the chemical reaction endothermic or exothermic?
  13. Why does ice float when placed in water?
  14. What roles do hydrogen bonding plan in this phenomena?
  15. What information does the octane rating of a fuel provide?
  16. When is a fuel with a high octane rating necessary?

Reference no: EM131522234

Questions Cloud

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Determining the color changes : For this week's assignment, please answer EACH of the following questions/prompts,and post them to the drop box as a single document.
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Scientific american special edition : This reading is available in the library. Use the advanced search feature to locate the article in the Kaplan Library:
Compute cost of retained earnings : Compute the cost of retained earnings (Ke). If a $6 flotation cost is involved, compute the cost of new common stock (Kn).


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