Determining the business planning

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Reference no: EM131524654

"Business Planning" Please respond to the following:

  • Select a new business opportunity that you may have been pondering. Compile a list of ideas for possible implementation, and determine their strengths and possible challenges that you may face.
  • Evaluate your business opportunity using a feasibility analysis. Next, determine the main components of the feasibility analysis that are easy to execute and the main components that can possibly present challenges. Support your response.

Reference no: EM131524654

Questions Cloud

Describe what is the critical path for the project : When will the project be completed? What is the critical path for the project? How much slack / float is in your project? What activities have greatest slack?
Draw another diagram showing what happens in vodka market : Consider three markets. These markets are for oranges, oranges juice and vodka. In thisquestion these markets are related as follows.
Pronouns in formal business writing : 1. Why should proper nouns be used rather than pronouns in formal business writing?
Determine the equivalent amount the company can spend : Timken Roller Bearing is a manufacturer ofseamless tubes for drill bit collars. The companyis planning to add larger capacity robotic arms toone.
Determining the business planning : Select a new business opportunity that you may have been pondering. Compile a list of ideas for possible implementation.
Implementation of strategic initiatives of an organization : 1. How do critical milestones contribute to successful implementation of strategic initiatives of an organization?
Competitive environment for zappos for substitutes : Explain and provide references on the competitive environment for Zappos for substitutes.
Head of business intelligence and analytics : The head of business intelligence and analytics suggests that more explanatory variables may be included in a regression model.
How old would you conclude the rock to be : Which of the following statements best describes the decay of a sample of radioactive atoms?


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