Determining the batch of microorganisms

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13884227

A fermentation reactor is charged with a sterile feed of growth media at 35 °C and inoculated with a batch of microorganisms. The batch is allowed to grow for 10 days. During the growth period the temperature is maintained at 37 °C by circulating cold water through a jacket on the vessel. Sterile air is spared into the fermenter to maintain a desired dissolved oxygen concentration. The pH of the fermenter is controlled by periodic addition of a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide. At the end of the growth period the batch is discharged from the reactor to the harvesting section of the process.

a. Sketch a P&I diagram of the reactor and feed section.

b. What pressure would you choose for operation of the fermenter, and how would you control it?

Reference no: EM13884227

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