Reference no: EM13934012
The serial killer - 3, 4 or more killings over a period of time. May have a "signature" (special way of killing). May be on a mission.
A. The NATURE v NURTURE debate.
1. Born so? Heredity: Lombroso (Criminal Man) - "atavistic" , genetic throw-back [in Jones' words, biological "reversions to an earlier stage of evolution"]; they have abnormal physical features + absence of remorse and repentance;
Chromosomes (XX women; XY - men [extra Y in men who are violent ++). (see, e.g.Gotz et al.)
Twin studies (Christiansen [Denmark] - identical # fraternal twins);
Adoption studies; Mednick [Denmark] - adopted criminal boys compared with those not adopted: a higher proportion of natural/biological fathers of those adopted were themselves criminals. Evidence strong but not conclusive.
2. NURTURE: Brought up so? Factors of UPBRINGING
- Dysfunctional family? Influence of family members - Criminality in the family. Family tension.
- One-parent family? Broken home. Home disclipine
- Maternal deprivation (ref. John Bowlby, Forty-Four Juvenile Thieves: their characters and home life)
- Poor or inadequate/ bad parenting. Neglect.
3. Outside influences (other than family):
- Influence of TV and media?
- Peer pressure
- Prison experience/s: "academy of crime"?
- Hormonal factors: studies about women, etc.
- Alcohol and other drugs: impairment of judgment resulting in criminal acts, etc.