Determining probability that computer in working condition

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1323170

Q1) Computer laboratory in school has 33 computers. Each of 33 computers has a 90% reliability. Allowing for 10% of computers to be down, instructor specifies an enrolment ceiling of 30 for his class. Suppose that a class of 30 students is taken into the lab.

i) Determine the probability that each of the 30 students will get computer in working condition?

ii) Instructor is shocked to see low value of the answer to (a), and decides to improve it to 95% by doing one of following:

a) Decreasing enrolment ceiling.

b) Increasing number of computers in the lab.

c) Increasing reliability of all the computers.

To help instructor, determine what increase or decrease must be for each of the three alternatives.

Reference no: EM1323170

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