Reference no: EM1323306
Q1) One study of grand juries in Alameda County, California. Results for age and county-wide percentage are listed below. (Only persons 21 year and over are considered.)
Age County
Wide Percentage
21 to 30
31 to 50
51 to 60
61 to 90
a) Are there more grand juries at age 40 or 54?
b) In what ages there is the highest percentage?
Q2) Following 10 numbers represent population in hundred of 10 villages in South -West England. 20 10 25 25 25 30 30 31 32 75
a) Determine the largest village in terms of the population?
b) How many village population lies between 20 and 30, determine the percentage.
c) What are the mean, and standard deviation for population of 10 villages?
d) Suppose that populations are normally distributed,
i) What is the percentage of population between 20 and 30?
ii) Determine 90th percentile from the 10 numbers
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