Determining central theme-major selling idea of ad campaign

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133651614


An important part of the creative strategy is determining the central theme or the major selling idea of the ad campaign. According to A. J. Jeweler, the major selling idea is the distinctive element about the product or service. This claim should contain the most meaningful appeal to the target audience and should be strong enough to remain the central issue in every communication in the campaign.



Reference no: EM133651614

Questions Cloud

How do riis perceptions about the people or social problems : What social problems does Riis identify in his observations? How do Riis' perceptions about the people or social problems affect or even bias his observations?
Discuss the child develops from infancy into early childhood : Discuss the relationship between knowledge of objects, categorization, and symbolic representation, as the child develops from infancy into early childhood.
What was the black death : Scroll down to view additional questions. Online Content: Site 1 What was the Black Death? How did art change as a result of the Black Death?
How could develop these skills during your academic program : How could you develop these skills during your academic program? Verbal and written communication has always been a challenge for me.
Determining central theme-major selling idea of ad campaign : What does the author mean by the title of the article? In designing a process in an era of automation, how can this principle be applied in business?
What ways skimming activate mental networks of information : Now, discuss the following points: In what ways do previewing, predicting, and skimming activate mental networks of information?
Research the witch-a history of fear : This is your media research Documentary: "The Witch: A History of Fear" (2017) and Podcast: "Unobscured - Season 1: The Salem Witch Trials" (2018).
Explain how you would apply the innovation in the workplace : Explain your proposed innovation and how it would address the systems or organizational problem you have identified. Be specific and provide examples.
Discuss the spiritual relationship between humans and land : Using examples from the article, describe the effects of this disruption on Hawaiian identity, and the resulting expressions through music.


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