Determines which patients have a high systolic pressure

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13906979

Project Name: Patient Blood Pressure


The application determines which patients have a high systolic pressure and provides a process to contact them for follow up consultation.


The application captures patient information and systolic pressure and writes it to the PatientHistory.txt file. The patients with a systolic reading above 120 are written to the Consult.txt file for consultation. The user can read and update the Consult.txt file to record the successful contact of these consult patients for follow up visits. All files are comma delimited text files.

Algorithms, Processing, and Conditions

1. Each day, the application is opened to accept current patient information for entry to the PatientHistory.txt file. This file contains the patient first name, last name, social security number, file code, date, and systolic blood pressure information from a lab.

2. Clicking the Enter Data button causes the patient data to be validated.If valid, the data is added to the PatientHistory.txt file.  The total patient count is incremented. Patients with a systolic reading above 120 are added to the Consult.txt file. The count of the patients added to the Consult file is incremented and the systolic pressure is accumulated.

3. Clicking the Finished Data Entry button causes the program to disable the data entry fields and display total patients entered, total consults entered, and the consults average systolic pressure.

4. The Data Entry menu bar contains a File selector, whose sub menu includes Clear and Exit options, and a Contact Consults selector.  Exit causes the application to close.

5. The Clear menu option clears the data entry fields and sets the focus to the First Name text box.

6. Selecting Contact Consults displays the contents of the Consult.txt on a second form object. The program reads the Consults.txt file into parallel arrays.A companion ContactStatus parallel array is simultaneously initialized with "N" for each patient. The patient ContactStatus, Last, First names are displayed in a listbox sorted by Last Name.

7. When the nurse selects a patient from the listbox, the form displays the Patient Name, File number and blood pressure, Yes / No contact radio buttons, and disables the listbox. Using radio buttons, the nurse indicates the patient was contacted successfully. A Yes causes the patient Contact Status array to be changed to"Y"and the listbox updated to reflect the change. Following the contact status processing, the listbox is enabled and the patient detail is cleared.

8. Clicking the Finished button causes the program to write over the Consults.txt file with the remaining uncontacted consults. The program displays the number of records written to the Consults.txt file.

9. The Contact Consults menu bar contains Exit and Return options. The Exit option closes the application. The Return option returns the user to the Data Entry window.

Notes and Restrictions

1. Use a 3-tier program structure.

2. Used masked text boxes for Social Security Number and Date.

3. All fields are required and cannot be blank.

4. Last Name, First Name, and File Code must begin with an alphabetic character.

5. File Code must be 5 characters.

6. Systolic pressure must be numeric, > 50 and < 300

7. Display errors in message boxes. Program cannot continue until each error is corrected.

8. All calculations, other than incrementers and accumulators, must be done in business classes.

9. All data file read and writes must be done in data classes.

10. All data files are comma delimited text files with .txt extensions.

11. Your final PatientHistory file must have at least 15 patients and your final Consult file must have at least 6 consults. Place a copy of these files in the project folder containing the project .sln file.

12. Use String.Format for listbox output.


Use the standard naming protocols for all names of the project, pages & objects.

Prepare Use Case and Event Planning information for this assignment; place them in a single document using .doc, .docx or .rtf formats. Save it in VS project solution folder (where the project .sln file is located) as "YCI"-Assignment 3T-1.

Create your own company name, design and color scheme of ForeColors and BackColors for the user interface. Include appropriate images in each window. The Default color scheme is not acceptable; some Black text is OK.

Include Program Introductory, Event Handler, and Procedure comments.

Do not allow automatic conversion of data types.

Use class level variables for all constants in this program.

Place your data files in C:\VSData folder.

Test Data (Optional):

Patricks, Timothy, PT171, 234-45-6789, 230

Baker, Scott, BS023, 432-09-8765, 138

Wheeler, Irene, WI089, 788-54-6235, 187

Jones, Beata, JB116, 761-34-3680, 110

Lopez, Felix, LF006, 398-65-2649, 90

Chan, Su, CS111, 555-66-7787, 165

Nakatama, Tong, NT077, 401-09-3928, 190

Tirrell, Eric, TE201, 429-23-1029, 150


Dunford, Janet, DJ132, 714-39-6931, 159

Chavez, Ava, CA088, 349-38-5263, 278

Terrell, Robert, TR222, 936-98-2331, 119

Osborne, Joan, OJ245, 647-88-3814, 128

King, Diane, KD178, 252-44-6688, 210

Paine, Thomas, PT213, 311-22-4477, 140

Levine, Otto, LT043, 487-33-5599, 95

Honey, BooBoo, HB023, 519-83-7295, 200

Reference no: EM13906979

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