Determines the success of their sporting pavilions

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Reference no: EM132352809 , Length: word count:1200

Event Venue Management Assignment - Programming and scheduling Case Study

Learning outcomes addressed - This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes: Examine the contribution of venue management processes, systems and technologies in revenue generation.

Assessment Brief: Refer to the case study document 'Outdoors Sports Venues Infrastructure Policy' and undertake the following:

Note: any venues you select and use in your assessment must be listed in this document. Additionally do not contact the council, there is sufficient information in their document to undertake this assessment.

1. Why were these particular components chosen? What was council's intent for each component and additionally what was their intent collectively through this policy? i.e. what were they seeking to achieve by using all 4 components?

2. Choose 8 venues from the list in Appendix 1.

Apply the venue classifications in the class course content to each of the 8 venues/site/ground i.e. classify/label each as (for example) purpose built, single-use or multi-use, then validate your choice of classification i.e. provide an explanation as to why you have chosen and applied that particular classification to (each respective) venue/site/ground.

3. A. Explain how good asset management practices can assist in supporting the amenities listed in Appendix 1. You must use a minimum of 5 amenities as examples and may choose the same site/venues you specified in Question 2.

The required writing style here is a practical one [not academic] i.e. write as if you were a council staff member trying to determine the best approach to manage your sites/assets. Use a normal business style/approach to your response and provide some real asset management practice examples.

B. Your response should:

  • State what the approach or practice is;
  • Confirm the overall intent of this approach / practice application;
  • State what key works should be done or addressed [min of 3 & max of 5];
  • Explain and validate your choice of practice/approach and tasks - confirm WHY these are important and HOW each would be of benefit.

4. Discuss how Council determines the success of their sporting pavilions (this requires analytical reading & writing).

Read Sections 4.1 & 4.2 (4.3 if choosing a tennis site), then discuss the factors in general. For example, whether their approach to priority of design is sensible, and why or why not, or whether these criteria (state which ones) produce the required outcome for the 'amenity standards' of the relevant categories such as neighbourhood, local, district and regional venues, and why/why not.

Incorporate examples in your responses clearly stating which venue, how it's a relevant example (and what of) as well as relating this back to the policy.

5. Council's approach to venue use leans towards multiple purposes presumably to offset the operational running costs and likely to avoid the need to build more venues. The following mimics tasks council staff might use to determine venue use policies, as well as a pre-cursor to venue design.

A. Identify 2-3 venues [from Appendix 1), explain their uses & likely revenue sources and classify each using council & venue classifications.

B. Critically analyse council's revenue generation approach to their sport / event venues using your chosen venues. Provide your opinion as to what they could do differently or how they could maximize what they currently do. Be clear about what the likely benefit would be and ensure it's realistic.

Assessment Brief - As we have changed what needs to be delivered from the brief, please find below.

1. List and explain the 4 components for the development and renewal of infrastructure

2. Please develop a table with the following information:

a) Choose 8 facilities

b) List the playing fields at these facilities

c) List the playing fields addresses

d) Classification of each playing field

e) Type of facility (e.g. single use)

f) Justify your choice from 2. e)

3. a) Explain how good asset management practices can assist in supporting amenities in Appendix A Table.

b) Use 5 amenities as examples of how your response to 3) would assist the amenities

c) Explain Council's aim/s for the Infrastructure Policy.

d) Explain Council's priority for support infrastructure work

4. a) Discuss Council's priority for sporting pavilions redevelopment

b) Use 2 amenities as examples of how 4. a) would work on the amenities. (There is a process to follow to determine)

5. Choose 3 facilities

b) List and explain how they currently generate revenue

c) List at least 2 other ways they could generate revenue.

Attachment:- Event Venue Management Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132352809

Questions Cloud

Look up the ph of lemon juice and vinegar : Based on your results and your knowledge of favorable environmental conditions for fungal growth, what can you conclude about the effect of pH on growth?
Alcohol in the gram stain procedure : What would be the color of gram positive and gram negative bacteria at the end of the procedure?
Automated and non-automated susceptibility tests : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both automated and non-automated susceptibility tests.
Knowing the relationship between genotype and phenotype : Knowing the relationship between genotype and phenotype, how does sequencing an organism's DNA genome predict the environment to which an organism is adapted?
Determines the success of their sporting pavilions : EVT207A Event Venue Management Assignment - Programming and scheduling Case Study, Laureate International Universities, Australia
What is the most widely used method for sterilization : What steps are necessary to sterilize material that may have bacterial endospores? Describe a situation where you utilized sterilization to kill microbial life.
What is the significance of temperature : What is the significance of this temperature, and why do you think this temperature is appropriate for many bacteria?
What is the significance of temperature : What is the significance of this temperature, and why do you think this temperature is appropriate for many bacteria?
In growth of mold on bread and apple lab : In growth of mold on bread and apple lab. What is the source of the mold that grew on the samples?



8/6/2019 12:57:47 AM

This is event management subject. It consists of 1200 words. File with name 4477777 file is the real brief of this assignment but our class teacher did changes in this brief. The assesment3brief file named is the changes send by our teacher. Some general requirement should be done properly. my teacher is very strict about this.. I have send you the case study on which this assignment should be done. Please make it good otherwise there will be big problem for me.


8/6/2019 12:57:41 AM

Some general requirements for submitting your assessment: Please note the word count for your assessments – you are able to submit that word count +/- 10%. You must adhere to the specified word count as that is part of what you are learning – on one side to be concise in your wording (maximum word count) OR research and present enough information (minimum word count). There will be marks deducted if the word count is not adhered to. If you exceed the word count, I may choose not to read beyond the maximum count, which means all information beyond this point will not be considered.


8/6/2019 12:57:36 AM

Tables as part of the word count – if as part of your assessment you develop a legitimate table, I will not include this as part of the word count. What I mean about legitimate is that if you just put a section in a table to reduce your word count, it will then be added on. You must always submit a cover page for every assessment with your name, student number, subject code, subject name, assessment number, lecturer name, your word count and date of submission. If an Executive Summary is required, I will let you know. Regardless of the inclusion of an Executive Summary, you must always have an introduction AND a conclusion in your submission. They do not need to be long at all but think of them as the ‘bookends’ to your assessment.


8/6/2019 12:57:30 AM

If you need to include appendices – they MUST go after your references. They are the last item/s in your assessment. You must include a header and footer. The header contains your subject code and title (left aligned). The footer contains your student number (left aligned), the due date (centred) and the page number (right aligned). If the assessment is in report format, you must include a contents page. This includes a heading and then all headings and sub-headings contained in your report. The headings/sub headings need to be on the left tab and the page number on the right (aligned). The contents page must always be on a separate page.


8/6/2019 12:57:25 AM

Your layout: Your font must be Arial size 11. Your headings must be Arial size 13 or 14 with no underline. Your line spacing must be 1.5 (in your references page, it must be 1) No indent at the start of a paragraph. Margins must be 1.5cm. Always include referencing. If you reference any other source, you MUST reference it or it is considered plagiarism. This includes in-text referencing and it can be either direct or indirect quotes. Images, tables or any other information is also included in this referencing requirement. The referencing style required is APA 6thedition. Your reference list must always begin on a new page.


8/6/2019 12:57:18 AM

You must submit all assessments in Word (or Excel or PowerPoint or similar if required) format (i.e. not PDF). You must submit a Turnitin report with your assessment as a separate document (this will be in PDF format which is fine). Turnitin can be accessed on your subject page in the left-hand menu. This report checks the authenticity of your work. If you do not submit a Turnitin report with your assessment, I will not mark your assessment. As part of marking the assessment, I will be reviewing your spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence construction. These are just as important as your content and you will lose marks if you have a number of errors in these areas. You MUST treat assessments as a submission you would make in a position of employment.


8/6/2019 12:57:12 AM

Check and double check your assessment has been submitted. Once you have submitted you should take a screenshot of the submission in case technology fails and I do not receive the submission. This way you have proof of submission on the day and time. Do not assume as that cannot be used as an excuse. References are NOT bibliographies. Reference list MUST be on a separate page and must contain all in-text references (incl. images used). I suggest you also read through the ‘Academic Writing Guide’ located in your learning and skills section on your student pages. In fact, the whole Academic Skills tab is a fantastic resource.

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