Determine why the employees are leaving

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM132810171

Problem: Details: Read the Community Care scenario, located in the Allied Health Community. Be sure to review the Instructions and Legend information.

In a total of 250-500 words, respond to the questions located in the Community Care scenario.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Scenario: Care provided in this capacity is done through clinics such as 24-hour urgent care centers and minute clinics provided through local pharmacies or community locations. These facilities increase access to care at affordable rates and in convenient locations.

You are the Director of Human Resources for a small rural care center. Your Care Center Administrator (CNA) visited your office today with some issues regarding the high turnover of CNAs in all seven nursing wings. She has been experiencing this phenomenon with her CNAs the past 3 months, thus decreasing overall patient quality care, along with adversely affecting the labor budget due to numerous call-offs from the CNAs. When added to the high cost of using registered nurses, this is a serious issue. None of her nursing supervisors can explain the reasons for the turnover, but only provide feedback that your organization is hiring the "bad ones." She is asking for your ideas on how the care center can recruit and retain more talented and devoted CNAs.

You perform an immediate cursory assessment of the turnover and determine that, at the current rate, there will be 100% loss/turnover of CNAs this year. This initiates an emergency meeting with the Administrator, Director of Nursing, the Assistant Directors of Nursing, the Staffing Coordinator/Scheduler, and three charge nurses. The purpose of the meeting is to determine why your facility is losing so many CNAs, especially when compared to similar care centers in the area.

Question 1: In your capacity as Director of Human Resources, what steps would you take to determine why the employees are leaving? How will you be able to identify if this is a management issue, labor market issue, compensation issue, or a combination of issues? What questions would you ask team members? Are these questions different for each role? What strategies from the assigned course reading would you implement?

Question 2: What questions would you ask team members? Are the questions different for each role? What strategies from the assigned course reading would you implement?

Reference no: EM132810171

Questions Cloud

Explain practices related to diversity and multiculturalism : Discuss how an organization's culture can impact policies and practices related to diversity and multiculturalism.
What is the correct cost of goods available for sale : If the correct ending inventory is P200,000 and the cost of goods sold before adjustments is P5,000,000, what is the correct cost of goods available for sale?
What is the total receivable related to the loan to abc : Collected origination fees of P328,230 from ABC. The effective interest rate is 9%. What is the total receivable related to the loan to ABC on Dec. 31, 2021?
What is the carrying value of the note receivable as of dec : What is the carrying value of the note receivable as of December 31, 2022 Statement of Financial Position? Magsaysay Company sold equipment with carrying amount
Determine why the employees are leaving : What questions would you ask team members? Are the questions different for each role? What strategies from the assigned course reading would you implement
What are the components of a specific emotion : 1. What are the components (biological, cognitive, behavioral) of a specific emotion like love or fear?
What is the net realizable value of the accounts receivable : Written off in the prior year and was recovered during the current year. What is the net realizable value of the Accounts Receivable as of the end of the year?
What is the predetermined overhead allocation rate : Labour hours and machine hours for the coming year are 19,000 hours and 8,000 hours, respectively. What is the predetermined overhead allocation rate?
What is the total cost of job number : What is the total cost of Job number 35? Predetermined overhead allocation rate £80 per machine hour. Direct labour hours 23 hours


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