Determine why funding is needed for the company

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133468268


Your company wants to acquire more funding and will need a business case to do so. This business case will be featured in your financial plan that you will create next week. To get yourself prepared for developing the financial plan, create an outline of your business case in which you do the following:

Question 1. Determine why funding is needed for the company.

Question 2. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, etc.

Question 3. Evaluate the requirements of each funding source you determined appropriate.

Question 4. Analyze the associated risks of each funding source.

Question 5. Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.

Question 6. Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources. Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding. Consider creating a table or chart to display this information.

Reference no: EM133468268

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