Determine which projects should be selected

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13335423

North Sea Oil has compiled the following data relative to current costs of it basic sources of external capital- long term debt, preferred stock, and common stock equity- for variant ranges of financing.


Source of Capital                    Cost            Range of Total New Financing

Long- term debt                        7%                   $0-$2,000,000

                                                     8%                 $2,000,001- $3,000,000

                                                     10%               $3,000,001 and above

Preferred Stock                         19%                      $0-$960,000

                                                      21%                  $960,001- and above

Common Stock                          20%                  $0-$700,000

                                                      24%                   $700,001- %1,600,000

                                                      26%                 $1,600,001-$2,200,000

                                                      30%                  $2,200,001 and above


The firm expects to have $350,000 of current retained earnings in the coming year at a cost of 20 percent; once these retained earnings are exhausted, the firm will issue new common stock. The company's target capital structure proportions are used in calculating the weighted average cost of capital follow.


Source of Capital                        Target Capital Structure

Long term debt                                      0.25

Preferred Stock                                      0.25

Common stock equity                         0.50

Calculate the firm's cost of capital for $2,000,000 of total capital budget.


Given the following information on the available investment opportunities below, determine which projects should be selected

Investment Opportunity                     Initial Investment            Internal Rate of Return

A                                                            400,000                                         22%

B                                                            500,000                                         21%

C                                                            400,000                                         19%

D                                                            400,000                                         17%

E                                                             600,000                                         16%

F                                                            700,000                                           16%

Reference no: EM13335423

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