Determine whether the function is a metric or not

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131081074

Math 104: Homework 5-

1. (a) By using the integral test, or otherwise, prove that

n=21/n(log n)p

converges if and only if p > 1.

(b) Optional for the enthusiasts. Suppose (an) is a non-increasing sequence of positive real numbers, and that ∑ an converges. By considering the Cauchy criterion, or otherwise, prove that nan → 0 as n → ∞. By considering part (a), show that the converse result is not true.

2. Consider the following functions defined for x, y ∈ R:

d1(x, y) = (x - y)2, d2(x, y) = √(|x - y|), d3(x, y) = |x2 - y2|, d4(x, y) = |x - 2y|.

For each function, determine whether it is a metric or not.

3. Consider two-dimensional space R2, with positions written as u = (u1, u2), and the Euclidean norm defined as ||u|| = (u12 + u22)1/2. The Poincare disk model consists of the points S = {u : ||u|| < 1}, with metric

d(u, v) = cosh-1[1+ (2||u - v||2/(1 - ||u||2)(1 - ||v||2))

for all u, v ∈ S. Define r = cosh-1 5/4. Draw the Poincare disk, and then calculate and draw the neighborhoods Nr(u) for u = (0, 0), (1/2, 0), and (3/4, 0). [This can be done analytically, although if you prefer, you can also make use of a computer.]

4. Suppose that d1 and d2 are equivalent metrics for a set S. Prove that if a sequence (sn) converges to s with respect to d1, then it also converges with respect to d2.

5. Suppose that (pn) is a Cauchy sequence in a set S with metric d, and that some subsequence (pn_k) converges to a point p ∈ S. Prove that the full sequence (pn) converges to p.

6. Suppose that (pn) and (qn) are Cauchy sequences in a set S with metric d. Define (an) = d(pn, qn). Show that the sequence (an) converges. It may be useful to consider the triangle inequality

d(pn, qn) ≤ d(pn, pm) + d(pm, qm) + d(qm, qn)

which is true for all n and m.

7. Optional for the enthusiasts. Consider two-dimensional space R2. Define an alternative norm as ||u||S = (u12 + u22 + u1u2)1/2. Prove that the function dS(u, v) = ||u - v||S is a metric, and that it is equivalent to the Euclidean metric.

Reference no: EM131081074

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