Determine whether the drug doses have an effect

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132713259

Project Objective:

The objective of this business statistics capstone project is to provide you with an opportunity to integrate the statistical tools and concepts you have learned in your statistics and research methodology course. The objective of the assignment will be for you to determine which of the statistical tools and techniques are appropriate to employ for the situation 1, 2, and 3 below.

Project Description:

A clinical trial is run, 606 patients were randomized into 4 treatment groups (A, B, C and D). Each group was treated with a different dose of drug X (A=lowest, D=highest). All patients underwent a liver function test before and after the treatment. The outcomes include Alkaline phosphatase, Alanine aminotransferase, Aspartate aminotransferase and Total bilirubin levels. The dataset include information regarding Total bilirubin level (TBL). You are to identify an issue that is appropriately addressed using analysis of variance or experimental design. You will need to specify one or more sets of null and alternative hypotheses to be tested in order to reach conclusions


1. Determine whether the drug doses have an effect on post-treatment TBL level? Use a significance level of 0.05. Use the multiple comparisons to discover any differences for TBL level between different doses? Use a significance level of 0.05.

2. You are provided with the (TBL) before and after levels, determine whether the treatment was effective or not using the proper analysis and providing your hypothesis? What do you conclude?

Attachment:- Capstone Project.rar

Reference no: EM132713259

Questions Cloud

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How do the tax-exempt securities used to pay for building : Find How do the tax-exempt securities used to pay for the building compare in risk to a conventional municipal bond issued by Traverse County?
What happens to the price of abc and xyz on announcement : What happens to the price of ABC and XYZ on the? announcement? What premium over the current market price does this offer? represent?
Determine whether the drug doses have an effect : Determine whether the drug doses have an effect on post-treatment TBL level? Use a significance level of 0.05. Use the multiple comparisons to discover
How much is the total partnership distributive income : The balance to be shared at 2:1 for Bull and Dog, respectively. Dog received ?140,000 as his share. How much is the total partnership's distributive income?
How much would Hapi capital account change : In 2020, the partnership sustained a ?P66,000 loss before partners' interests and salaries. By how much would Hapi's capital account change?
What amount should be allocated to Ah : The partnership agreement of Ah, The partnership's 2020 net income was ?250,000 before any allocation to partners. What amount should be allocated to Ah?
Impact of digital transformation on employment : Effect of Using Supermarket App on Consumer's Buying Behaviour - impact of Digital Transformation on employment


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