Determine whether each of the scenarios above is dap

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Reference no: EM133470288


Developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) provide a framework for working with young children from birth through age 8. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), DAP is an approach to working with young children that helps early childhood educators consider and practice what is age-appropriate for children at each development stage. DAP also focuses on what is individually and culturally appropriate for children. DAP impacts every aspect of what early childhood educators do. It is critical for educators to follow an approach that applies to a variety of scenarios.


Case Scenario 1 - I do not expect toddlers to share. I model sharing and encourage them to take turns and provide several of the same toys to avoid conflict.

Case Scenario 2 - I do not feel it is necessary to talk to my infant about what I am doing, such as when I pick her up, feed her, or change her. She cannot understand me, anyway.

Case Scenario 3 - At my preschool, my educator gives us lots of materials and supplies and encourages us to create our masterpieces. I love to use my imagination.

Case Scenario 4 - At my family childcare, I have children of different ages who love to play with playdough together. It is fun to watch them at their various developmental levels and how they interact with the dough and one another.

Case Scenario 5 - As a nanny, I enjoy working in the home environment. The other morning the little boy did not want to get dressed and threw his clothes all over the floor. I gave him a time out as he needs to learn that I am in charge and will not tolerate this.


Write a one- to two-page reflection utilizing the Title Page Template below that lists each scenario and perform the following:

Determine whether each of the scenarios above is DAP (developmentally appropriate practices) or DIP (developmentally inappropriate practices).

Explain your reasoning for placing the scenario in the category of DAP or DIP in one paragraph (minimum of four sentences).
If you identify the scenario as DIP, explain how you could make the scenario DAP.

Reference no: EM133470288

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