Determine whether a packet should get destroyed

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13762909

1 Packets are destroyed if they get "lost" and keep traveling the internet without arriving at a destination. What is parameter is evaluated to determine whether a packet should get destroyed?

2. What type of telephony control signaling uses the same circuit as the voice traffic?

3. Name the software which sits below the application layer that is responsible for routing application remote procedure calls to the appropriate server.

7. Whena router discards packets because it has received packets beyondIts storage capacity, the router is engaged in an activity called XXXXXXX control.

8. Routers need to know whether their neighboring routers are still alive. This is accomplished by having routers send periodic messages to each other. What is the name of that message?

9. When the ARP protocol broadcasts an IP address to all nodes on the network the matching node responds with a ______________address.

10. At the internal level of a data base one describes the ______________architecture of the data base.

11. In the hierarchy of DNS servers what is the name of the server at the top most level of the hierarchy.

12. What layer in the network protocol stack is concerned with ssh connectivity.

13. When streaming video is sent via the internet there is no delivery confirmation. What unreliable protocol is used in this case.

14. Which layer of the OSI stack is concerned with node to node communication.

16. The secure socket layer resides above the _______layer and below the ________layer of the TCP/IP stack.

17. Encode the mixed fraction 2 1/32 as an IEEE floating point binary value.

19. What type of telephony control signaling uses a path entirely independent of the voice traffic.

21. In the OSI network model two layers are concerned with flow control Name those two layers.

22. What type of switching architecture is best able to handle a steady stream of traffic?

23. A ___________circuit is a pre-planned route established for all packets in a packet switched network.

24. In a T1 line the control signals are _______ _____the voice bits?

25. Voice traffic over a packet switched network can experience significant quality deterioration during periods of high data traffic. What is the solution to this problem?

Reference no: EM13762909

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