Determine where networks will go in the upcoming years

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132696097

Question: Networks have changed drastically over the last 30 years. With the first introduction of the 56k modem, which was about 3 typewriter pages per second, to speeds well over 1Gbps these days, the ability to use networks globally, has changed the way we do business. Using research, determine where networks will go in the next 5-10 years and how that might impact the global economy.

• Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

• Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor

• Provide extensive additional information on the topic

• Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail

• Share an applicable personal experience

• please cite properly in APA

• Make an argument concerning the topic.

• Your initial post must be at least 250 words.

Reference no: EM132696097

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