Determine what types of sandwiches consumers

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132938252


The managers of a new chain of sandwich shops will need to determine what types of sandwiches consumers want and find recipes and ingredients. Ingredient sources, prices, and other logistical requirements (like refrigeration) will need to be determined, purchasing decisions will be ongoing, and supplier relationships will need to be managed. Financing must also be arranged at this early phase. With this groundwork, the company will move to the next stage of marketing, including pricing and the development of advertising materials. Finally, selecting and training workers will occur. Things to consider:

If you are choosing a Simple Structure ...

Decide what a simple structure would look like for this organization. To whom would the various tasks described above be assigned? What sort of delegation might take place? Who would coordinate the multiple operations? About how many people would be acting in an administrative role, and what sort of spans of control would they have? What challenges will the organization face as it grows?

If you are choosing a Bureaucracy ...
Decide what a bureaucratic structure would look like for this organization. Again, you will want to establish task assignments, delegation, coordination, and the number of individuals required. Also consider possibilities for future growth with a bureaucratic system.

If you are choosing a Virtual Structure ...
Determine what a virtual structure would look like for this organization if many of the aspects of the business are outsourced. Consider which tasks can be adequately performed by individuals who do not work within the restaurant chain, and which should be kept in house.

Reference no: EM132938252

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