Determine what the researcher intends to research

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132339633

Statistics for Managerial Decision Making - Critical Review Assignment

Read through this outline carefully. When your instructor grades your submission, they will be looking to see if you followed the provided format: you can lose points if you do not. If you have any questions about what to do or need interpretation of the instructions, please post them in the Questions breakout room so that all students can benefit from the information.

Mastery of statistics involves not only the ability to generate sound statistical data, but also the ability to critically evaluate the statistical analysis of others. The latter is the focus of the Critical Review assignment in MGMT 650. A review, or critique, is not a summary or a simple retelling of the major findings in a research article. It is much more. It assesses how well the researcher carries out the required steps in the research process.

Elements of the critique - Summary of the article (Discuss what the article is about) This part SHOULD NOT include any of your personal input but rather just summarize what the author did in his/her research.

Research Topic

  • What question is the researcher trying to answer?

Research Methodology

  • How did the researcher study the topic? Survey? Experiment? Statistical Analysis?
  • Briefly answer who, what, where, and when, and how.

Major Conclusions

  • What does the author conclude?
  • What recommendations does he make?

This section should be about 1.5 pages in general.

The next part is the key of the critique. This next sections of your paper gives an assessment of how well the research was conducted based on what you learned. Remember you can use your own personal experience and outside articles to help you support your point of view in this section of the assignment.

In-depth critique of the article (Discuss how well the research is conducted in your own words)

Write a brief paragraph for each of the following listed elements in your own words:


  • Is the research problem clearly stated? Is it easy to determine what the researcher intends to research?

Literature Review

  • Is the review logically organized?
  • Does it offer a balanced critical analysis of the literature?
  • Is the majority of the literature of recent origin?
  • Is it empirical in nature?


  • Has a research question or hypothesis been identified?
  • Is it clearly stated?
  • Is it consistent with discussion in the literature review?

Ethical Standards Applied

  • Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research?
  • Was confidentiality guaranteed?
  • Were participants protected from harm?

Operational Definitions

  • Are all terms, theories, and concepts used in the study clearly defined?


  • Is the research design clearly identified?
  • Has the data gathering instrument been described?
  • Is the instrument appropriate? How was it developed?
  • Were reliability and validity testing undertaken and the results discussed?
  • Was a pilot study undertaken?

Data Analysis/Results

  • What type of data and statistical analysis was undertaken? Was it appropriate?
  • How many of the sample participated? Significance of the findings?


  • Are the findings linked back to the literature review?
  • If a hypothesis was identified was it supported?
  • Were the strengths and limitations of the study including generalizability discussed?
  • Was a recommendation for further research made?


  • Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced?


  • Considering all of the evaluation categories, is the article well or poorly researched?

Layout of your paper and other writing requirements - Your final report should be organized in the following format:

Title page

  • Include name and author of article you critique
  • Include your name and MGMT 650 section number

Brief summary of article

In-depth critique of article


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The primary purpose of the paper is to demonstrate the summary of the article which is chosen for this context. Along with the article summary it will also discuss the view of researcher in relation to the research questions which are demonstrated in this paper. besides this, the paper will also discuss regarding the conclusion as well as the recommendation provided by the author in the selected research article.An in-depth critique of the article has been provided in this context that define the purpose of doing the research properly.In this paper the author describe the literature review section ins a logical as well as organized manner so that the reader can understand the main context of the study properly without facing any problem.

Reference no: EM132339633

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Determine what the researcher intends to research : MGMT 650 Statistics for Managerial Decision Making - Critical Review Assignment, University of Maryland University College, USA
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Harvard business review : Sull, D. & Eisenhardt, KM. 2012. Simple rules for a complex world. Harvard Business Review Sept. 2012.
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7/15/2019 10:19:40 PM

No Of Pages/Words – 5 pages. The article for this assignment is provided in the syllabus, under week 9. This is not a group project and it must be done independently. Additional writing requirements: Submit your paper as a Word document. No PDF files. Double-space, Use 12 point Times New Roman font and 1 inch margins, Use section headings to identify the different components of your discussion. Number all pages after the title page. Use APA format for citations and bibliography. Do not use quotes from the article, paraphrase. Keep the tone formal. Write like a researcher. Avoid the use of first person pronouns such as I, we, me, us, etc. Check for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. Keep your paper to 5-6 pages, not including the title page. When submitting to LEO, incorporate your name in the filename that you use. For example, Smith_critique.docx and Normal late penalties apply.

Write a Review

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