Reference no: EM133765262
Christian Worldview in Counseling
Assessment Description
The purpose of this assignment is to help you outline what it means to have a Christian worldview and what that looks like for your counseling practice. This assignment will also help you determine what it means to have Christian worldview and how this idea is manifested in a professional Christian counseling practice.
This is a presentation that you will be presenting at an upcoming regional AACC conference. The purpose will be to share how to develop a personal counseling theory.
In this slide presentation with details speaker notes, include the following:
1. Description of the role and function as a counselor in two or three counseling theories that you currently use or will use in your future counseling practice
2. Explanation of how a counselor can use the counseling theories along with the Christian worldview, with three examples
3. Explanation of how the use of counseling theories along with Christian worldview aligns with AACC Code of Ethics
In addition, create a title slide and reference slide.
Support your position by referencing the textbook, AACC Code of Ethics, and at least one scholarly resource. Incorporate the research into your writing presentation in an appropriate, scholarly manner.
Y-2023 Code of Ethics Developed by the AACC Law and Ethics Committee AACC Y-2023 Code of Ethics 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. (n.d.).
McCormack, Edward. (2008). "The Power and Meaning of the Christian Worldview." New Theology Review 21 (3): 39-47.
Riley, Gina. "Faith-Based Counseling." Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health, 2023.
Ryrie, C. C. (2012). Ryrie Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. Moody Publishers.
Tan, S.-Y. (2022). Counseling and psychotherapy: A Christian perspective (2nd ed.). Baker Academic.