Determine what is the npv of accepting the system

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13336455

No More Books Corporation has an agreement with Floyd Bank whereby the bank handles $4.2 million in collections a day and requires a $310,000 compensating balance. No More Books is contemplating canceling the agreement and dividing its eastern region so that two other banks will handle its business. Banks A and B will each handle $2.1 million of collections a day, and each requires a compensating balance of $160,000. No More Books' financial management expects that collections will be accelerated by one day if the eastern region is divided.

What is the NPV of accepting the system?

What will be the annual net savings? Assume that the T-bill rate is 2.4 percent annually.

Reference no: EM13336455

Questions Cloud

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Determine what is the npv of accepting the system : No More Books is contemplating canceling the agreement and dividing its eastern region so that two other banks will handle its business. Banks A and B will each handle $2.1 million of collections a day
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