Determine what bid price should be submitted

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13333896

Dahlia Enterprises needs someone to supply it with 129,000 cartons of machine screws per year to support its manufacturing needs over the next five years, and you've decided to bid on the contract. It will cost you $960,000 to install the equipment necessary to start production; you'll depreciate this cost straight-line to zero over the project's life. You estimate that in five years, this equipment can be salvaged for $79,000. Your fixed production costs will be $334,000 per year, and your variable production costs should be $11.20 per carton. You also need an initial investment in net working capital of $84,000. If your tax rate is 35 percent and your required return is 12 percent on your investment, what bid price should you submit?

Reference no: EM13333896

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