Determine wether variable is qualitative or quantitative

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM13232738

A firm conducted a research about the demographics of their customers. For the study they collected data about the following variables: gender, marital status, credit rating (low, medium, high), annual income, and age. Label each variable as (a) qualitative or quantitative, (b) discrete or continuous, and (c) nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.

Reference no: EM13232738

Questions Cloud

How to construct a cumulative frequency polygon : (a) How many people participate in the study (b) Calculate the Relative Frequency and enter the results in the above table. (c) Calculate the Midpoint for each class and enter the results in the above table. (d) Calculate the Cumulative Frequency and..
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Computation for the yield of the product : Show the calculation for the moles of benzaldehyde, the moles of acetone, the theoretical yield of dibenzalacetone in grams, and the calculation for the % yield of the product (dibenzalacetone). Also indicate which reagent is the limiting reagent.
Find the allele and genotype frequencies : A street surveyconducted by Hair Club for Men foud that out of 1,000 men: 360 hadmale pattern baldness, the other 480 had non-balding andwere heterzygous, and 160 who non-balding and were homozygous
Determine wether variable is qualitative or quantitative : A firm conducted a research about the demographics of their customers. For the study they collected data about the following variables: gender, marital status, credit rating (low, medium, high), annual income, and age.
Explain permanganate ions and oxidize acetaldehyde : Permanganate ions, MnO4-, oxidize acetaldehyde, CH3CHO, to acetic acid CH3CO2H, and are reduced to MnO2. The reaction takes place in acidic solution.
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When same efforts must be made to uncork nd pour both bottle : Most restaurant customers tip according to a percentage rule - between 15 and 25 percent of the bill. Diners who have dinner and a $20 bottle of wine usually pay the same percentage of the bottle price as diners who order a $100 bottle.


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