Determine variables that may affect content of teaching plan

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Reference no: EM13493544

Identify three (3) variables unique to the pregnant patient that need to be considered when developing a patient specific pain management teaching plan for the antepartal patient preparing for labor and birth. Provide an explanation why each of these three (3) variables needs to be considered when developing a teaching plan for an obstetric patient. B. Select two (2) non-pharmacologic pain relief options used in the intrapartum period. For each option, explain three (3) specific points of information related to this pain relief option that needs to be taught to the patient. Include rationales for each piece of content regarding why you would need to incorporate this information. I just need two pages in apa format with one reference that is not older than 5 years.

to include this part in the original message. it is not any added work but the entire description of what I need thanks. When I receive an reply I will pay.

In order for the woman to make an informed decision regarding pain relief measures to be used in the intrapartum period, the information needs to be provided in the antepartum period.

Before finalizing a teaching plan for the pregnant woman, her history needs to be assessed to determine any variables that may affect the content of the teaching plan. For example, are there any language variables/barriers that will affect care provided during labor and birth?

A. Identify three (3) variables unique to the pregnant patient that need to be considered when developing a patient specific pain management teaching plan for the antepartal patient preparing for labor and birth. Provide an explanation why each of these three (3) variables needs to be considered when developing a teaching plan for an obstetric patient.

B. Select two (2) non-pharmacologic pain relief options used in the intrapartum period. For each option, explain three (3) specific points of information related to this pain relief option that needs to be taught to the patient. Include rationales for each piece of content regarding why you would need to incorporate this information.

sorry, I meant to say I forgot to include this part in the original message. it is not any added work but the entire description of what I need thanks. When I receive an reply I will pay.

In order for the woman to make an informed decision regarding pain relief measures to be used in the intrapartum period, the information needs to be provided in the antepartum period.

Before finalizing a teaching plan for the pregnant woman, her history needs to be assessed to determine any variables that may affect the content of the teaching plan. For example, are there any language variables/barriers that will affect care provided during labor and birth?

A. Identify three (3) variables unique to the pregnant patient that need to be considered when developing a patient specific pain management teaching plan for the antepartal patient preparing for labor and birth. Provide an explanation why each of these three (3) variables needs to be considered when developing a teaching plan for an obstetric patient.

Reference no: EM13493544

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Determine variables that may affect content of teaching plan : variables unique to the pregnant patient that need to be considered when developing a patient specific pain management teaching plan for the antepartal patient preparing for labor and birth.
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