Determine three approaches to punishing said crime

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM133342536

Question: Watch the YouTube video "5 Goals of Punishment.

Video - Goals of Punishment by Dr.Jason R Silva

Now that you have developed a general understanding of crime and punishment, I would like you to:

(1) Identify a high-profile crime (somewhat current) and determine three approaches to punishing said crime, based on the 5 goals. This should be something you seek out on your own / provide an APA source for.

The purpose of this is to take the course knowledge and apply it to real world situations. Explain how each of the three goals fits your crime. Also, make sure to include which of the three you personally think is best, based on your assessment. At the end of the discussion post please include a question about this crime and punishment, so that other students have something to answer in their second response.

Verified Expert

The posting is in case of punishment of a juvenile. The case study and goals of punishments are considered here in this report and discussion is presented. An overview of the justification of the proposed punishment is discussed. References are given. Jones Vs Mississipi is the case selected.

Reference no: EM133342536

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