Reference no: EM13952493
Problem 1:
In the figure shown, each resistor has the same resistance R. The equivalent resistance measured between terminals A and B is Req = 38 Ohms. Determine the value of R.

Problem 2:
In the given circuit, the variable resistor R = 1M Ohm is connected as shown to a load RL = 1M Ohm. The variable resistor is adjusted until the voltage Vo across the load is 8 V when the input voltage Vin = 27 V. What is the position of the wiper arm in percentage?

Problem 3:
In the circuit shown, R1 = 20 Ohms, R2 = 51 Ohms, R3 = 43 Ohms and input voltage V = 43 Volts. Find the current ix.

Problem 4:
The parameters of the circuit shown are: R1 = 100 Ohms, R2 = 100 Ohms, R3 = 1k Ohm, R4 = 2k Ohms, IS = 1.1 mA and a = 10.
Find the output voltage Vo.

Problem 5:
Use to D-to-Y transformation to find the equivalent resistance viewed from terminals a & b in the circuit shown below:

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