Reference no: EM131116772
3.168 For one of the M = 48 modules of Example 3.13, determine a variety of different efficiency values concerning the conversion of waste heat to electrical energy.
(a) Determine the thermodynamic efficiency, YJtherm = PM=1/q1.
(b) Determine the figure of merit ZT for one module, and the thermoelectric efficiency, YJTE using Equa- tion 3.128.
(c) Determine the Carnot efficiency, YJCarnot = 1 - T2/T1.
(d) Determine both the thermoelectric efficiency and the Carnot efficiency for the case where h1= h2loo.
(e) The energy conversion efficiency of thermoelec- tric devices is commonly reported by evaluating Equation 3.128, but with Too,1 and Too,2 used instead of T1 and T2, respectively. Determine the value of YJTE based on the inappropriate use of Too,1 and Too,2, and compare with your answers for parts (b) and (d).
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