Determine the strength of prosocial behavior

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Reference no: EM133453807

Plan an act of prosocial behavior.

(Some examples might be helping older adults load groceries into their cars, standing at a door and opening it for people as they go in or out, volunteering at a food pantry or soup kitchen, visiting someone in a nursing home, or making cookies for neighbors.)

You may choose anything that is legal and will not offend others.

Examine your feelings and expectations before going on this observation.

Record what you think will happen before you conduct the prosocial behavior.

Conduct your field experiment and observation, taking notes that include the following:

Identify your feelings during and after the prosocial behavior. Record these feelings and any changes in emotion that might have occurred during the process.

What did you experience?

Did you experience what you expected?

How was it different?

How was it the same?

How did others react to your behavior?

Describe some specific reactions that stood out for you.

Were any reactions positive? Where any reactions negative?

Did your actions meet any of the four goals of prosocial behavior?

Analyze your experiences and how the results aligned and did not align with your expectations and the information you have studied on prosocial behavior.

Evaluate your experiment and determine the strength of prosocial behavior. How does altruism apply to your field observation? Is pure altruism possible?

Reference no: EM133453807

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