Determine the stability status for the digital system

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM134411

Question 1.

Sketch the z-plane pole-zero plot and determine the stability status for the following digital system. Determine the h(n) in MatLab.

791_Determine the stability status for the following digital system.png

Question 2.

A relaxed DSP system is described by the difference equation

y(n)+0.1y(n-1)-0.2y(n-2) = x(n) +x(n-1)

Find and sketch the first ten terms of the impulse response of the signal in MatLab.

Question 3.

Consider a difference equation with its initial conditions.

274_Determine the stability status for the following digital system1.png

Determine y(n) in MatLab.

Reference no: EM134411

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